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D5 NEXT pump issues

Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2019, 12:32

Hi there,

I just got myself a D5 NEXT pump, together with the aquaero 6 controller.
After setting everything up, I turned my PC on, and thusfar, everything was working. Pump was spinning, fancontroller turned on.

I forgot to order a aquabus cable for the pump, So I've connected it with USB on my motherboard. Same for the fancontroller.
In the D5 NEXT manual, there is a tab which says you can control the pump with USB and aquasuite, however, my pump is not showing up in Windows (10).

Also, there is just one side (left) from the RGB lit, and the screen is black. Is this normal, and only when you've configured it with aquasuite it turns on?

So, in short:
- D5 NEXT USB connection, am I missing something?
- D5 NEXT blackscreen, normal, or is there something wrong with it?



Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2019, 12:58

no, something is wrong here.
I would plug off at the D5 everything except power to check that screen is working. If not, something is wrong with your D5. If yes, something is/was wrong with your
USB port or cabling.

Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2019, 13:09

Just did that,

With only the SATA connected, still no screen. Even tried different cables, MOLEX > SATA converters, still no screen...

Might be a defect control unit? Pump is spinning, not fast, but that's probably because of the lack of the functional control unit..

Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2019, 15:05

you should contact support of AC.
