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Effectiveness of airplex modularity system 280 mm, copper fins, two circuits

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2020, 22:59

My name is Oleg, I have a few questions about the effectiveness of airplex modularity system 280 mm, copper fins, two circuits. I would be grateful for your help.
Now I plan to build a new computer for myself, and I want to provide the most silent work in a small case.
As far as I understand from the description of your products, the radiator configuration is optimized for passive cooling, or for cooling at low fan speeds. Unfortunately, I did not find more accurate information.
please tell me how many watts can be dissipated in the passive mode or in the minimum fan speed for airplex 280 two circuits?
I plan to cool 9900k to a smaller circuit and a 2080ti graphics card to a larger circuit.

Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2020, 10:24

400 Watt is too much for a 280mm Radiator, if you want it silent.
You have to use Fans with 2000 RPM to keep the Temperature under control.

If you want it silent, calculate with 100 Watt for 140mm Radiator Length. (with slow fans)

Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2020, 16:36

Thank you!!
I would also like to ask you how much influence the direction of water flow in the radiator has on the efficiency of work?