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Control 4 PWM Fans with Aquareo 5 LT: Quadro or a Splitty9 Active?

Sonntag, 1. März 2020, 19:19

I recently rebuilt my water cooled system for ryzen. It has the following fans:

- three 180mm PWM fans (ap183),
- one 140mm PWM fan,
- one 120mm fan

My loop is being pushed by a aquastream xt, the fans are controlled by an aquaero 5 lt. However, the 5 lt only has one PWM fan header - and I really want to control all four fans in PWN mode in aquasuite. The difference in reliability is pretty big.

I know I could use a Quadro to get a PWM signal back into Aquasuite. Would a Splitty9 Active do the job too?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »mikegray« (1. März 2020, 19:20)

Montag, 2. März 2020, 02:55

If you want to run all five fans from a single controller (only 1 fan reporting RPM), then the splitty9 active will work for you.
If you want a separate controller for each type of fan (3 ports), then the quadro with a splity9 will work.
If you want a separate controller for all five fans (5 ports), then you need the octo.

Edit: actually, unless you are doing something unusual, the OCTO can replace the 5 LT.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (2. März 2020, 02:59)

Montag, 2. März 2020, 06:19


It's kind of a bother figuring what to do with the aquaero 5 lt - I've had it for years now, but somehow never really used it. It it's still sort of the odd man out.

Sounds like a Splitty9 wouldn't quite do it for me - but couldn't some fans from the aquaero and the rest from a Quadro?

Montag, 2. März 2020, 08:52

True, I did not use the 5 LT in the equation.
You could use the 1 PWM port on the 5 LT, and the 4 ports on the quadro to give each of the 5 fans it's own controller.

Mittwoch, 11. März 2020, 19:54

OK, another question:

I now have a QUADRO in my system, and I have it connected alongside the Aquaero. I had to update a lot of firmware, but now everything seems to work, and it even gave me a free update to the latest version of Aquasuite.


I thought I would be able to use the QUADRO by aquabus connection to the aquaero WITHOUT USB. This doesn't seem to work. I can only operate the quadro if it is plugged into a USB 2.0 socket. And, while I DO have two USB 2.0 sockets on my MB, I need one of them for the Aquastreasm to transmit water temperatures and the other for the aquaero ...

So ... do I ALSO have to by an internal USB 2.0 hub??

Donnerstag, 12. März 2020, 12:52

The fan ports and sensors should come across the aquabus, I am not sure about the RGBpx port.

The two USB 2.0 ports you have on the motherboard, are they both nine-pin ports?
If so, that is four individual ports... you can connect two of the five pin cables from aquacomputer devices to each one of the nine-pin ports.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (12. März 2020, 12:53)

Freitag, 13. März 2020, 02:57

The fan ports and sensors should come across the aquabus, I am not sure about the RGBpx port.

The two USB 2.0 ports you have on the motherboard, are they both nine-pin ports?
If so, that is four individual ports... you can connect two of the five pin cables from aquacomputer devices to each one of the nine-pin ports.



Freitag, 13. März 2020, 10:38

Or even more simplified.


Junior Member

Freitag, 13. März 2020, 11:31

I recently rebuilt my water cooled system for ryzen. It has the following fans:

- three 180mm PWM fans (ap183),
- one 140mm PWM fan,
- one 120mm fan

My loop is being pushed by a aquastream xt, the fans are controlled by an aquaero 5 lt. However, the 5 lt only has one PWM fan header - and I really want to control all four fans in PWN mode in aquasuite. The difference in reliability is pretty big.

I know I could use a Quadro to get a PWM signal back into Aquasuite. Would a Splitty9 Active do the job too?
I did have pretty much the same problem except that I have two Aquaeros 5 LT (master - slave). Even though one of the firmware updates enabled PWM port on slave, it was still not enough.

What I've done was building a voltage to PWM converter using an Arduino board. I wanted to do it properly (with a nice PCB and all) so it was probably more expensive than to buy a Quadro :). This also needed some level of expertise in electronics albeit was not so complicated after all and i think anybody can do it given propper motivation :).

Then I’ve bought 3 x AP183 and 8 fan outputs from two Aquaeros was not enough anyway. So, I have purchased a QUADRO.

Splitty9 Active could be a solution for You but bear in mind that all it does is allowing You to run multiple fans from a signgle PWM output. It allows doing so in a very propper manner, but the fans won't be independant.

By the way it's nice to see there are still people buying 180 mm fans :) I regret we don't have more radiator options for these fans...

OK, another question:

I now have a QUADRO in my system, and I have it connected alongside the Aquaero. I had to update a lot of firmware, but now everything seems to work, and it even gave me a free update to the latest version of Aquasuite.


I thought I would be able to use the QUADRO by aquabus connection to the aquaero WITHOUT USB. This doesn't seem to work. I can only operate the quadro if it is plugged into a USB 2.0 socket. And, while I DO have two USB 2.0 sockets on my MB, I need one of them for the Aquastreasm to transmit water temperatures and the other for the aquaero ...

So ... do I ALSO have to by an internal USB 2.0 hub??
RGBpx functionality configuration seems not to be supported by Aquabus connection (regardless of device). As far as I understand, if will still work if a device (such as QUADRO) has RGBpx effects configured first using USB connection. I've never tested it myself but it seems obvious that while it works, You can't transmit sensors' values over Aquabus to control RGBpx effects.

As for the rest I run a setup 2 x Aquaero 5 LT + 1 x Quadro which gives me 12 fan outputs, (4 x PWM, 2 x PWM/voltage, 2 x PWM via Adruino, 4 x voltage only). All of this is connected via Aquabus (using Aquabus X4 to complicate things further) and it works like a charm. So your setup with one Aquaero should definitely work.

What I had to do was updating firmwares on all devices and change Quadro's bus address (but this shouldn't even be necessary with only one Aquaero).

I would advise to check all the connections, myself for the first run i forgot to connect Molex power connector to the QUADRO. What is the behavior of red status LED on QUADRO? What do You read under "Aquaero > Aquabus" in Aquasuite ?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »caronen« (13. März 2020, 11:36)