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Junior Member


Sonntag, 12. April 2020, 14:29

Hi, first, sorry for my English but it is not my native language.
I had spend 1000 euro of aquacomputer product and no linux version!!!!!
aqua computer make fabulous product for geek client but geek client use often linux os and NO LINUX VERSION AQUASUITE in on the road!!!! I don't understand why, all company make linux version of software and this on product not destiny for geek client!!! Why this company snob linux user?????

In my case, I want to une Proxmox for create a serveur virtualization for my home lab whit quiet system water-cooled. I choose the best of the best product ( hardware and windows application) of the world BUT no linux aqua suite version. It is a joke!!!!

It is just unbelievable. I can believe aquacompter can't make linux version, they have engineer and development team probably a good one but no linux version????????

Please respect all your client, make linux version to let your client choosing the os platform. You spend expensive product but the service behind is not a the level!!
You will be winner cause I apologize then a lot of personne don't bye your product for this reason.

I said this why respectful, just a what to understand why. I parse this forum and from a lot of year, linux version is a frequenters request.

So please, work on this. It will be considered respectful from your client.

Best reguard :)


Junior Member


Sonntag, 12. April 2020, 16:38

to be constructive, perhaps a solution will be to create a kind of linux's agent then transfert live hardware information overs lan network like HWINFO REMOTE plugging, NETDATA or SNMP protocol to get all information with a virtual machine who had Aquasuite installed.

But Aquasuite have to be updated with more application configuration acces like HWINFO REMOTE ,netdata or other live log could be remote over TCP IP from an linux agent or HWINFO REMOTE plugging.
Perhaps HWINFO REMOTE plugging compatibilities will be the best and easy ways to bypass the linux developments difficulties.

In this ways, client could get the choice to running and use Aquasuite on server's linux, Desktop linux or windows and offert easy way to get this information reported on your android iOS APP.

I'm not a dev but I'm ready to try to help you like beta test

I have an infrastructure (LAB) for this (a Proxmox server (CLI to put install WHINFO remote agent ) and capacity to VM every kind of guest OS who install Aquasuite app.

It is time to get linux ready Aquasuite or a bypass solution 8) . It is the last missing capacities to Aquasuite software. You could get a lot of pub with this you know like, I guy, I'm at work with a lot of geek (client or futur client) and take a look on my home lab water-cooled with AQUACOMPUTER SOLUTION, remote information on my phone or with web interface.
your product will be transform to a wild world showroom. FREE PUB for a little development.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »magade« (12. April 2020, 17:17)

Sonntag, 12. April 2020, 17:31

This topic is discussed every once in a while:
The problem is quite simply explained:
Linux is not used that widely. As a matter of fact in Germany Linux is only used by 3,45% of all users (https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/…land-seit-2009/).

And Germany is one of the countries with a large Linux userbase. World wide its only half of that.
Assuming that the costs to programm the linux and windows version would be identical the Linux Version would be at least 30x more expensive for the users.
i hardly doubt that anyone would be willing to pay 300€+ for a one year license.

The next problem that comes with that is: For which Linux should it be? Ubuntu? Debian? Red Hat? Arch? Mandriva? Slackware? Gentoo?
Don´t even mention that most Linux geeks alter their system to their own special needs - that is a tech support nightmare.

Also you need to consider that most of the hardware is "standalone" once it is set up you don´t need Aquasuite to use it.

Aquacomputer is still a small firm. They don´t have hundred of programmers working for them.

Aside from that: have you tried using Aquasuite in a VM?

RE: suggestion

Sonntag, 12. April 2020, 17:35

to be constructive, perhaps a solution will be to create a kind of linux's agent then transfert live hardware information overs lan network like HWINFO REMOTE plugging, NETDATA or SNMP protocol to get all information with a virtual machine who had Aquasuite installed.

But Aquasuite have to be updated with more application configuration acces like HWINFO REMOTE ,netdata or other live log could be remote over TCP IP from an linux agent or HWINFO REMOTE plugging.
Perhaps HWINFO REMOTE plugging compatibilities will be the best and easy ways to bypass the linux developments difficulties.

In this ways, client could get the choice to running and use Aquasuite on server's linux, Desktop linux or windows and offert easy way to get this information reported on your android iOS APP.

I'm not a dev but I'm ready to try to help you like beta test

I have an infrastructure (LAB) for this (a Proxmox server (CLI to put install WHINFO remote agent ) and capacity to VM every kind of guest OS who install Aquasuite app.

It is time to get linux ready Aquasuite or a bypass solution 8) . It is the last missing capacities to Aquasuite software. You could get a lot of pub with this you know like, I guy, I'm at work with a lot of geek (client or futur client) and take a look on my home lab water-cooled with AQUACOMPUTER SOLUTION, remote information on my phone or with web interface.
your product will be transform to a wild world showroom. FREE PUB for a little development.
If there is a HWinfo version for linux: It should be possible to reade the sensors with that.


Junior Member

Sonntag, 12. April 2020, 18:23

i, thanks DIAGO for your answers, HWINFO existe for linux, I just installed it today on my linux Debian serveur (cli). But , in fact I don't have yet the capacities to remote it in a lan network to use it in a windows vm. But, in my mind, it couldn't be expansif for a programmer to update Aquasuite windows version to listen HWiNFO REMOTE PLUGGING (that existe and is developed by HWINFO team.) on a LAN TCP IP port and Aquasuite is able to use HWINFO information but I don't know yet how fonction the plugging remote. but it is juste a little update or improvement I appolegy. But remember than client paid for update a license each year and the hardware is good but expensive so it will be respectful to dev this feature.

In fact, we don't need a linux version, juste an update of windows version with HWINFO REMOTE PLUGGING listen capacity.

The solution could be that:
The principal OS linux based with HWINFO and REMOTE plugging installed==>a windows VM like guest boot at windows start (with Aquasuite installed ans configured to use information of HWINFO remote plugging).
The Aquaero setup to start at maximum rotation level for a timing (start linux host+windows VM and Aquasuite.
The iOS or android app just fonction like they do now to remote acces to Aquasuite windows version.

If I found something helpful, I will put it on the forum and if you had some suggestion, it will let me know, it will be a pleasure to test for the community. I'm not a expert in linux but more a noobs but I'm curious and work hard to learn it so, it could be a good project.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »magade« (12. April 2020, 18:29)


Junior Member

Sonntag, 12. April 2020, 19:27

I make a mistake, I confise with HWINFO linux packet who list hardware information but it is not the HWINFO64 software. HWINFO does only exist for windows plateforme. but a different app existe in linux world with the same name but it is not the same application. Sorry for the mistake, sorry .

More hard than I explained but perhaps some other software could be use and export information by LAN network et a easy format (json or other stuff like that) to be exploitable for Aquasuite.

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 11:16

Some customers use the aquasuite in a linux hosted windows VM.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 11:36

Hi, and how they do?? cause vm doesn't acces host hardware information ; often hardware is virtualized.

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 11:43

you can read out and set up your devices. for a hardware monitoring you have to use a linux solution.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 14:15

how can you read out hardware information of linux host on a windows VM??? by using motherboard internal usb cabled on Aquaero?

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 14:55

how can you read out hardware information of linux host on a windows VM??? by using motherboard internal usb cabled on Aquaero?

all of your AC watercooling devices have to be configured with Aquasuite in the Windows VM. The AC devices will store this configuration in the devices itself and will work without having AS running. So you can stop the windows VM host when this configuration is made
If for any other reason a HW monitoring of PC devices or components will be needed, you have to use a dedicated solution running in your Linux master.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 19:08

So, the problem is NOT fix, I need Aquasuite live hardware monitoring from linux host on a windows VM or other solution to make Aquasuite directly on linux to make live monitoring and adaptative water-cooling Aquaero

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 20:15

Aquasuite Hardware monitoring is not available on Linux.

On Linux, you can only use Sensors that are directly connected to the Aquaero (and Sensors that are available with Aquabus connection)
Connect a water temperature Sensor to the Aquaero, and you can use that as Input to control the Fan speed.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hufeisen« (14. April 2020, 20:24)

Montag, 20. April 2020, 07:45

So, the problem is NOT fix, I need Aquasuite live hardware monitoring from linux host on a windows VM or other solution to make Aquasuite directly on linux to make live monitoring and adaptative water-cooling Aquaero

That's not what you want to do anyway.

If you are waer cooling you really want all of your controls to be based off of coolant temperature with one (or more) temperature sensors in the loop.

Controlling fan and/or pump speed based on actual core temp is a bad idea,as during idle it will allow th ecoolant to get hot, and then if there is a sudden load, the fans have to get rid of all the heat already in the coolant.

The best way to control fan and pump speed on any water cooling loop is to figure out the relationship between loop temp and core temp, and set a target loop temp based on that. If you know - for instance - like I do that my GPU tends to run 5-8C above loop temp, and I want my GPU to stay at or below 40C, then I set my controls based on the temperature sensors I have plugged in to target 32C loop temp.

Forget the on board, or on chip sensors. Those are only going to give you problems. Use them to figure out the delta T to the coolant loop at load, and then never use them again.

I configure my Aquaero either in a Windows VM with the USB device forwarded, or when I am booted into windows, but most of the time I use linux only.

Once you have it set up with plugged in temperature sensors, it manages itself. The logic and controls are stored on the Aquaero. You don't even need the client running.

Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to have a Linux client, or at least maybe a kernel driver module that would allow reading Aquaero sensors using lm-sensors, but it's not really necessary unless you are using motherboard or core sensors, which you shouldn't be anyway.

All of that said, if you have chosen to use Linux, you should be aware that most software and a lot of hardware is not Linux compatible and will never be. You should not expect companies to develop support for a platform that only a tiny percentage of people use. When you use Linux, you have to choose hardware you know is compatible. You cant just buy whatever you want and expect it to work. Do your research first.

Freitag, 28. August 2020, 00:56

does anyone know if eg; RGBpx can be controlled via HW sensors *without* windows running? I understand I have to use Aquasuite to do the initial configuration and that's not a problem. I also understand you need to have hardware flow/temp sensors directly connected to your octo/fabwerk.

As for Linux support, if Aquacomputer just released the USB communication interface they wouldn't have to do anything else. There's already a project on github offering read-only access of values but anything more complicated would likely require a more formal specification.

Freitag, 28. August 2020, 07:59

As for Linux support, if Aquacomputer just released the USB communication interface they wouldn't have to do anything else.
?( ?( , then we have to support this interface with our support to explain how everythink is working. NO, we do not support Linux, not yet and not in the future.

When you use hardware sensors (Sensors connected direct to the device) the most things work without a computer/usb. ( also RGBpx effects)

Freitag, 28. August 2020, 10:42

Apologies if it sounded like I implied it wouldn't involve significant work. I'm a software engineer and do have a grasp of what's involved here. Anyways, I was talking about a published spec not formal linux support (which I understand will never happen).

But that aside, this does answer my question re: functionality without Windows running. That will do for my needs, thanks!