• 23.09.2024, 21:03
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Looking for Aquagrafx GTX295

Donnerstag, 23. April 2020, 22:57

If not appropriate,please delete.

As the title says, I'm looking for a wb for the GTX295, aquacomputer only of course. naked copper or nickel, doesn't matter. . I'm tired of eyeing ebay for months,maybe someone here has one for sale.
feel free to post here,or send DM's.

RE: Looking for Aquagrafx GTX295

Freitag, 24. April 2020, 01:06

If not appropriate,please delete.

As the title says, I'm looking for a wb for the GTX295, aquacomputer only of course. naked copper or nickel, doesn't matter. . I'm tired of eyeing ebay for months,maybe someone here has one for sale.
feel free to post here,or send DM's.

You might be able to find old stock somewhere and if not, maybe you can get away with universal blocks. Not sure how well it will work on a dual GPU PCB but it's worth a shot to look into.

RE: Looking for Aquagrafx GTX295

Freitag, 24. April 2020, 01:21

If not appropriate,please delete.

As the title says, I'm looking for a wb for the GTX295, aquacomputer only of course. naked copper or nickel, doesn't matter. . I'm tired of eyeing ebay for months,maybe someone here has one for sale.
feel free to post here,or send DM's.


Interesting choice. That's an 11 year old GPU.

I am curious, how come you went this route? The 295 was pretty badass when it was new, but today even a low end GPU will likely beat it.

And it doesn't seem quite old enough to be part of a "classic" build.

Please don't take this as critique. I am genuinely curious.

Freitag, 24. April 2020, 11:56

If not appropriate,please delete.

As the title says, I'm looking for a wb for the GTX295, aquacomputer only of course. naked copper or nickel, doesn't matter. . I'm tired of eyeing ebay for months,maybe someone here has one for sale.
feel free to post here,or send DM's.


Interesting choice. That's an 11 year old GPU.

I am curious, how come you went this route? The 295 was pretty badass when it was new, but today even a low end GPU will likely beat it.

And it doesn't seem quite old enough to be part of a "classic" build.

Please don't take this as critique. I am genuinely curious.
I'm a collector and I have a thing for Dual GPU cards... and dual CPU motherboards for that matter.