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New: cuplex kryos NEXT sTRX4 FC | Update: now availabe with VISION RGBpx

Freitag, 12. Juni 2020, 12:20

cuplex kryos NEXT sTRX4 FC / VISION RGBpx

Aqua Computer, the German specialist for water cooled systems, introduces a new CPU water block for the AMD socket sTRX4: the cuplex kryos NEXT sTRX4 FC.

The new cooler is manufactured directly at Aqua Computer in Germany. A solid nickel-plated copper base offers an extremely large microstructure with a surface area of 51x45 mm - the largest ever manufactured for a CPU cooler at Aqua Computer. This microstructure is CNC machined in an extensive CNC production process to a structure size of less than 200µm.

The cooler is offered by Aqua Computer in three versions, whereby the cooling performance is identical and only the housing of the cooler is different.

The most economical variant is based on a housing made of black acetal.
Additionally, Aqua Computer offers a model with integrated digital LED lighting. For this cooler, the housing is made of Plexiglas and is framed by a black anodized aluminum frame.

The third version integrates a VISION OLED display and RGBpx lighting.Both are controlled via USB with the well-known aquasuite software. The cooler also has an integrated temperature sensor. Unfortunately, this model is not yet available at the launch and will become available in July.

Prices start at 79.90 Euro for the Acetal version; the model with a Plexiglas and aluminum case is 109.90 Euro. Both variants are available as of now.
The VISION and RGBpx variant that will appear later will cost 139.90 Euro.

Photos of the acryl variant

Photos of the acetal variant

Photos of the acrylic variant with VISION RGBpx

Montag, 13. Juli 2020, 21:52

Update: now also available with VISION RGBpx

Photos of the VISION RGBpx variant have been added to the fist post.

With the cuplex kryos NEXT sTRX4 FC a newly developed VISION variant - namely VISION RGBpx - is also being used for the first time.

VISION RGBpx is a highly integrated system with microprocessor control and OLED graphic display. Its most important features include:
  • 128x64px OLED display
  • RGBpx control for 15 LEDs (already integrated in the cooler)
  • Water temperature measurement (integrated in the cooler)
  • USB interface to PC
  • Configurable display pages
  • Display of various hardware data in the display via aquasuite software, e.g. current processor load
The VISION RGBpx variant of this block uses a distance of 35.2 mm for the G1/4" threads.