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aquasuite X.23: Always up to date

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2020, 12:53

With today's release of aquasuite version X.23 we present the fourth addition to the playground: Notifications.

This is a powerful new function group that allows you to trigger various notifications and actions through the background service of the aquasuite in case of user-defined conditions.

The following notifications are available at the start:

For a direct notification on the PC:
  • Output sound
  • Display a popup window
  • Windows notification
  • Create an entry in the Windows event viewer
As executable processes on the PC:
  • change aquasuite profile
  • start program
  • execute task from Windows task schedule
  • shut down PC
  • restart PC
For communication via the Internet:
  • send e-mail
  • send MQTT message
  • post a tweet on Twitter
For each message, title, content and category (status OK, Info, warning, error) can be defined. The messages can also be logged in a text file. Additionally it can be specified if they are released delayed and if and when a repeated notification should be sent.

It should be pointed out that any selectable additional information from the available aquasuite data sources can be attached to each message. This means that all relevant values of the system can be viewed directly in the event of an alarm.

The status of the notifications is also available as a sensor value in the Playground. This allows the status of a notification to be included in other evaluations.

In order to manage a clear and simple administration of the communication, a new area "Accounts" has been created in the aquasuite. Here you can currently manage e-mail, Twitter and MQTT accounts. In the future there will certainly be more communication channels that will be added here.

With the MQTT-functionality a data exchange with a MQTT-Server is possible. Here for example the connection to a house automation is imaginable. We recommend to use the Mosquitto-MQTT. In this way, e.g. temperature values can also be constantly transmitted to other systems.

The Playground was also extended by a new source to check whether a certain process is running on the PC. Thus, procedures are possible which are dependent on currently running software. In case of a running game for example a different temperature warning than in office mode. Via the MQTT connection, however, it is also possible that the home automation system dims the light when a game is started.

We now also offer an app on Twitter that allows the aquasuite to use the new Twitter interface for posting messages on Twitter.

The Playground has also been extended with a permanent memory and a test function[/b]. With the test function test values in sources can overwrite the real values for an adjustable time to test the function.
With the permanent memory it is possible to reuse data even after restarting the system. Useful for counters of quantities, operating hours etc.

In the future there will be more new playgrounds in the playground and especially new trends will be included. Much of this is already in development or planning.

So there are endless possibilities and we would be happy if new ideas could be exchanged here in the forum. Of course we are also happy to receive your wishes and suggestions.

How exactly should one imagine this in practice?

The first example shows a simple case. If an adjustable temperature value is exceeded, an e-mail is sent. This looks as follows in the playground:

Due to the architecture of the playground, which can also be used in this field, all available sources of the PC can be used and the alarm can only be triggered, for example, if the difference to the air temperature also exceeds a value set as a constant here:

If you only want to do this in the case that no benchmark is running, the process can be extended in this way:

If a pop-up should be displayed in addition to the e-mail, simply add another notification:

The PC can also be shut down very easily:

We would like to encourage you to do with the Playground what it was created for: Play.

With the possibilities offered, almost anything is thinkable - there are hardly any limits to your imagination.

The aquasuite X.23 is released today as an insider release. There are certainly still some bugs - the extensions are too extensive for that. We promise to fix them as quickly as possible after appropriate feedback.

Now have fun on the playground!

Update to version X.24 (24.07.2020)

With the X.24 which has also been released today as an insider-release, we have improved some more functions besides a number of fixed bugs.
These include two further highlights:

In the playground the user defined hotkeys[/b] are now available as data source. This allows to change values or trigger actions via the hotkeys. For example, it is possible to adjust the fan power via two hotkeys or to trigger entire processes in the Playground.
As a second extension function generators are now also available as a data source. This allows complex functions such as sine, rectangle, triangle, linear or sawtooth to be generated and combined in the Playground. Those who want to adjust their LED brightness during the day with a sine function to the daylight will be happy here.

This function is also intended to simulate changes in the system. This way you can test the behaviour at slowly or rapidly rising temperatures. We also use these functions internally to perform tests on components and for performance measurements.

The possibilities are numerous and can be used in all areas of the playground.

During the bug fixes, we especially fixed a rarely occurring bug that interfered with the tree display of hardware monitoring data. In addition, a problem was fixed that required multiple restarts until the service was licensed.
Because of the few bugs we currently expect to release a stable version soon.

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2020, 16:44

Restart aquasuite with administrator rights It's still not fixed and I thought you said "We have been able to verify this error and will fix it soon" :evil:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (16. Juli 2020, 16:49)

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2020, 16:52

This is a timing issue. We have added a delay - maybe not enough delay for your system :)
We will have a look at it again until we release the stable version of the X.23.

The aquasuite closes itself at restart as the previous instance is still running at that time.

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2020, 16:54

This release made it worse as it won’t start with administrator rights at all, at least with previous version would restart 1-2 times out of 10 :rolleyes:

Hopefully this will get fixed in stable release.

Thanks again

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (16. Juli 2020, 17:04)

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2020, 22:19

Hopefully this will get fixed in stable release.
We try to fix it, but this "Bug" but this no major bug. When you need to start the auqasuite as admin klick with the right mouse buttun and select start as admin.

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 01:21

Hopefully this will get fixed in stable release.
We try to fix it, but this "Bug" but this no major bug. When you need to start the auqasuite as admin klick with the right mouse buttun and select start as admin.
Without me hammering this subject over again and flogging it like a dead horse, something that worked without a glitch in all previous versions up to X.22 should be preserved without any issue, while you implementing and adding new features. I am well aware of “this is no major bug” and that you can run it as administrator with selection of right mouse click, but that is just a poor excuse of closing an eye on something that obviously coder broke.

Once again, despite how small this bug might be, sweeping under the rug ..that is not a good sign.

Please fix it
Thank you

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 11 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (17. Juli 2020, 01:57)

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 07:12

sweeping under the rug ..that is not a good sign.
no, we give all bugs and problems priorities. An this has a low priority.
You have no disadvantage from the bug and it can easily be avoided by a different way of working.

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 08:15


We have been able to verify this error and will fix it soon.
I'm not trying to be rude or ignorant, but perhaps someone should think first before making promises.


Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 09:35

Please try to disable the UAC and tell us if the issue is solved in this case.
Press Windows + R and enter

control.exe /NAME Microsoft.UserAccounts
Set to lowest level, never ask.

Then try to start the aquasuite as admin again.

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 14:04

Hi there
aquasuite x.23


Ransomware behavior detected
19 hours ago

Ransomware Remediation

The process C:\Users\MADGu\AppData\Local\Temp\aquasuite-setup.exe manifests ransomware behavior and was blocked. Several files were encrypted by it and we couldn't automatically restore all of them. You can find the files to be restored below.

i did send you private message, you didn't respond now we are here!

With best regards'

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 14:23

Hi there
aquasuite x.23


Ransomware behavior detected
19 hours ago

Ransomware Remediation

The process C:\Users\MADGu\AppData\Local\Temp\aquasuite-setup.exe manifests ransomware behavior and was blocked. Several files were encrypted by it and we couldn't automatically restore all of them. You can find the files to be restored below.

i did send you private message, you didn't respond now we are here!

With best regards'

Perhaps to add setup to the exceptions list until Bitdefender updates their suspicions list? exception.jpg

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 14:36

Hi there
aquasuite x.23


Ransomware behavior detected
19 hours ago

Ransomware Remediation

The process C:\Users\MADGu\AppData\Local\Temp\aquasuite-setup.exe manifests ransomware behavior and was blocked. Several files were encrypted by it and we couldn't automatically restore all of them. You can find the files to be restored below.

i did send you private message, you didn't respond now we are here!

With best regards'

We have often issues with Anti-virus software. This is not uncommon for a software that includes many communication modules and encryption technology to save for example your account passwords. Most times this get solved very soon by the provider of the anti-virus software.
Our recommendation is not to install additional virus protection to Microsoft Defender. But for this study the specialized press carefully.

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 15:09

Hi there
aquasuite x.23


Ransomware behavior detected
19 hours ago

Ransomware Remediation

The process C:\Users\MADGu\AppData\Local\Temp\aquasuite-setup.exe manifests ransomware behavior and was blocked. Several files were encrypted by it and we couldn't automatically restore all of them. You can find the files to be restored below.

i did send you private message, you didn't respond now we are here!

With best regards'

Perhaps to add setup to the exceptions list until Bitdefender updates their suspicions list? [attach]7640[/attach]

Yeah, this isn't my first time, anyway thanks.

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 16:50

Please try to disable the UAC and tell us if the issue is solved in this case.
Press Windows + R and enter

control.exe /NAME Microsoft.UserAccounts
Set to lowest level, never ask.

Then try to start the aquasuite as admin again.

Yes, by disabling UAC it works. I should have mentioned that earlier as I did try that right at the beginning, but it didn't come to my mind as it’s not a considered to be a proper fix.
Thank you

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (17. Juli 2020, 16:57)

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 17:18

Hi there
aquasuite x.23


Ransomware behavior detected
19 hours ago

Ransomware Remediation

The process C:\Users\MADGu\AppData\Local\Temp\aquasuite-setup.exe manifests ransomware behavior and was blocked. Several files were encrypted by it and we couldn't automatically restore all of them. You can find the files to be restored below.

i did send you private message, you didn't respond now we are here!

With best regards'

We have often issues with Anti-virus software. This is not uncommon for a software that includes many communication modules and encryption technology to save for example your account passwords. Most times this get solved very soon by the provider of the anti-virus software.
Our recommendation is not to install additional virus protection to Microsoft Defender. But for this study the specialized press carefully.

Thanks for reply, The x.23 is installed and for now its works without problem :D "after updating my win 10 to 2004 version" and i didn't change my UAC/uninstalling bitdefender seems this is windows fault. Anyway, it works and thanks for new stuff :thumbsup:

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 19:00

Please try to disable the UAC and tell us if the issue is solved in this case.
Press Windows + R and enter

control.exe /NAME Microsoft.UserAccounts
Set to lowest level, never ask.

Then try to start the aquasuite as admin again.

Yes, by disabling UAC it works. I should have mentioned that earlier as I did try that right at the beginning, but it didn't come to my mind as it’s not a considered to be a proper fix.
Thank you

Ok, thanks. Please tell me about the Build number of your Windows Version.

Freitag, 17. Juli 2020, 19:12

It's 1909 build 18363.959
Thank you

Samstag, 18. Juli 2020, 12:22

Hi there again,
The playground is really good and thanks. if that possible making helping video for all the selected functions or sample/examples/import just for better understanding. thanks :thumbsup:

Freitag, 24. Juli 2020, 12:44

Update to version X.24 (24.07.2020)

With the X.24 which has also been released today as an insider-release, we have improved some more functions besides a number of fixed bugs.
These include two further highlights:

In the playground the user defined hotkeys are now available as data source. This allows to change values or trigger actions via the hotkeys. For example, it is possible to adjust the fan power via two hotkeys or to trigger entire processes in the Playground.
As a second extension function generators are now also available as a data source. This allows complex functions such as sine, rectangle, triangle, linear or sawtooth to be generated and combined in the Playground. Those who want to adjust their LED brightness during the day with a sine function to the daylight will be happy here.

This function is also intended to simulate changes in the system. This way you can test the behaviour at slowly or rapidly rising temperatures. We also use these functions internally to perform tests on components and for performance measurements.

The possibilities are numerous and can be used in all areas of the playground.

During the bug fixes, we especially fixed a rarely occurring bug that interfered with the tree display of hardware monitoring data. In addition, a problem was fixed that required multiple restarts until the service was licensed.
Because of the few bugs we currently expect to release a stable version soon.

Freitag, 24. Juli 2020, 18:44

Still not fixed in X.24 :thumbdown:

tbh. at this point It doesn't matter
Good day

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (24. Juli 2020, 18:56)