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Connecting an MPS 200 to an Aquabus 6 XT

Samstag, 18. Juli 2020, 21:40

Ok, so I'm most likely just stupid here, but I connected the MPS 200 to the Aquabus on the flow sensor from the Aquabus interface on the sensor itself. I'm reading zero for flow rates on both of the sensors. Clearly, I've done something wrong.

I tried to figure it out from the manuals but I'm a bit older and I guess that's interfering with my ability to work this out. Would anyone be kind enough to educated me on this?

All I really want to do is be able to read the flow rate in the Aquero software and then have it shut the PC down if the rate drops to 0.

Samstag, 18. Juli 2020, 22:14

  • connect the single end of THIS splitter to the aquaero 6 XT aquabus port
  • then connect one end of two of THESE or THESE cables to the double end of the splitter from step one
  • then connect one each of the two cables to one each of the two MPS Flow 200 aquabus ports
  • start the aquasuite and go into each of the MPS flow sensor's settings tabs, and make sure each one has a different bus address.

Samstag, 18. Juli 2020, 22:24

  • connect the single end of THIS splitter to the aquaero 6 XT aquabus port
  • then connect one end of two of THESE or THESE cables to the double end of the splitter from step one
  • then connect one each of the two cables to one each of the two MPS Flow 200 aquabus ports
  • start the aquasuite and go into each of the MPS flow sensor's settings tabs, and make sure each one has a different bus address.

1. Ok, so the single end goes to the flow port on the XT controller?
2. Seems straight forward.
3. So there's 2 sensors on the MPS that I need to connect? Which two would those be?
4. Not sure how to check or change the bus address. Is there something in the Aquero software that does this or is there a guide I can follow?
Thanks for responding so quickly.

Samstag, 18. Juli 2020, 23:46

1. Ok, so the single end goes to the flow port on the XT controller?
2. Seems straight forward.
3. So there's 2 sensors on the MPS that I need to connect? Which two would those be?
4. Not sure how to check or change the bus address. Is there something in the Aquero software that does this or is there a guide I can follow?
Thanks for responding so quickly.
  1. no, you are communicating over the aquabus, the single end of the splitter goes to the aquaero AQUABUS port, you do NOT use the aquaero Flow port for MPS
  2. not really :)
  3. I thought you had two MPS flow sensors because you said "I'm reading zero for flow rates on both of the sensors."
    If you have only one MPS sensor, you can skip the splitter and connect the aquaero aquabus port to the MPS aquabus port directly using either of the single cables I linked
  4. unfortunately I do not have an MPS sensor on my machine so I cannot provide an MPS specific screenshot
    I do not remember if the MPS flow sensor gets it's own tab on the main menu when using aquabus only, or if is under the aquaero tab.
    IF you have only one MPS device, you do not need to worry about setting the address, the default will do.
    OR, if you use the MPS USB port and connect it to a USB port on the motherboard, you can forgo the aquabus entirely.

Samstag, 18. Juli 2020, 23:54

1. Ok, so the single end goes to the flow port on the XT controller?
2. Seems straight forward.
3. So there's 2 sensors on the MPS that I need to connect? Which two would those be?
4. Not sure how to check or change the bus address. Is there something in the Aquero software that does this or is there a guide I can follow?
Thanks for responding so quickly.
  1. no, you are communicating over the aquabus, the single end of the splitter goes to the aquaero AQUABUS port, you do NOT use the aquaero Flow port for MPS
  2. not really :)
  3. I thought you had two MPS flow sensors because you said "I'm reading zero for flow rates on both of the sensors."
    If you have only one MPS sensor, you can skip the splitter and connect the aquaero aquabus port to the MPS aquabus port directly using either of the single cables I linked
  4. unfortunately I do not have an MPS sensor on my machine so I cannot provide an MPS specific screenshot
    I do not remember if the MPS flow sensor gets it's own tab on the main menu when using aquabus only, or if is under the aquaero tab.
    IF you have only one MPS device, you do not need to worry about setting the address, the default will do.
    OR, if you use the MPS USB port and connect it to a USB port on the motherboard, you can forgo the aquabus entirely.

1. I see. So what does the Flow port do then, just out of curiosity?
2. Well, step 2 didn't seem too complicated, is what I was saying. ;)
3. No, I only have the one. Sorry for the confusion there. I mean that in the software portion, it shows that there are 2 flow sensors and neither of them were doing anything.
4. I only have the one MPS. I did pick up an AquaComputer D5 pump that I was debating on tying into the Aquabus as well but I figured I should tackle one problem at a time first.

Samstag, 18. Juli 2020, 23:54

1. Ok, so the single end goes to the flow port on the XT controller?

No, you have to use the aquabus high port. The flow port can be only used for simple 3-pin flow sensor that have no aquabus interface like this one for example.


3. So there's 2 sensors on the MPS that I need to connect? Which two would those be?

This is a bit confusing. I understand that you have two sensors and want to use both of them simultaneously, right? As already mentioned by InfoSeeker you have to use a y-cable to do that. The single end goes to the aquabus high on the aquaero and the twin-ends go to the sensors (one connection per sensor).


4. Not sure how to check or change the bus address. Is there something in the Aquero software that does this or is there a guide I can follow?

The sensors must be connected via USB to see their device menu in the aquasuite software. You will see two mps entries in the left navigation bar. Check the system tab of both mps entries to make sure that the sensors use the latest firmware. The aquasuite will tell you if an update is required. In the system tab you can also change the aquabus ID of the sensors. Each sensor requires a unique ID so you have to change it for one of the sensors. Afterwards I recommend to turn off the PC completely. Turn off the power supply for a few seconds or unplug it from the power socket.

When you start the PC again you should check the aquabus tab of the aquaero. It shows all detected aquabus devices. You should see two mps devices.

Sonntag, 19. Juli 2020, 00:56

1. Ok, so the single end goes to the flow port on the XT controller?

No, you have to use the aquabus high port. The flow port can be only used for simple 3-pin flow sensor that have no aquabus interface like this one for example.


3. So there's 2 sensors on the MPS that I need to connect? Which two would those be?

This is a bit confusing. I understand that you have two sensors and want to use both of them simultaneously, right? As already mentioned by InfoSeeker you have to use a y-cable to do that. The single end goes to the aquabus high on the aquaero and the twin-ends go to the sensors (one connection per sensor).


4. Not sure how to check or change the bus address. Is there something in the Aquero software that does this or is there a guide I can follow?

The sensors must be connected via USB to see their device menu in the aquasuite software. You will see two mps entries in the left navigation bar. Check the system tab of both mps entries to make sure that the sensors use the latest firmware. The aquasuite will tell you if an update is required. In the system tab you can also change the aquabus ID of the sensors. Each sensor requires a unique ID so you have to change it for one of the sensors. Afterwards I recommend to turn off the PC completely. Turn off the power supply for a few seconds or unplug it from the power socket.

When you start the PC again you should check the aquabus tab of the aquaero. It shows all detected aquabus devices. You should see two mps devices.

1. Alright, I can do that. Now, the MPS 200 did come with a pair of cables. A USB header and a 4 pin. Would it be correct to assume that I only truly need the USB header one to accomplish what I'm shooting for here?
3. Not so much that I wanted to us both. It's just that when I first attached the cables and looked in the software, I saw 2 flow sensor data positions and originally asked about that but didn't structure my sentence very well, so that's my mistake. For clarity, I just have the one MPS and really only wanted to get the sensor data from it connected to the Aquabus 6 XT.
4. I guess that makes sense. So I'll hook that up first and see if that makes at least some kind of difference.

Montag, 20. Juli 2020, 04:47

You need to connect the MPS200 to USB so that you can configure it and set the aquabus address via aquasuite. Once you have done this you only need to connect the aquabus with 4 pin cable. You can use Y cables to connect more devices to the aquabus.

If you leave the USB cable connected with the aquabus connected, then you can use a 3 pin cable for the aquabus connection. Remove the USB and you need the 4 pin connector, and only the 4 pin cable

The device needs to be powered with 5v, which it gets from USB, or the 4th pin of the aquabus. If you have both connected it gets power from the USB, whether or not you have used a 4 or 3 pin cable for aquabus ( you CAN safely have both USB and 4-pin aquabus cables connected).
The low aquabus connector on Aquaero 6 has been converted, via firmware, into a 3-pin flowmeter connector for mechanical or passive flowmeters, not MPS devices.

Montag, 20. Juli 2020, 08:02

You need to connect the MPS200 to USB so that you can configure it and set the aquabus address via aquasuite. Once you have done this you only need to connect the aquabus with 4 pin cable. You can use Y cables to connect more devices to the aquabus.

If you leave the USB cable connected with the aquabus connected, then you can use a 3 pin cable for the aquabus connection. Remove the USB and you need the 4 pin connector, and only the 4 pin cable

The device needs to be powered with 5v, which it gets from USB, or the 4th pin of the aquabus. If you have both connected it gets power from the USB, whether or not you have used a 4 or 3 pin cable for aquabus ( you CAN safely have both USB and 4-pin aquabus cables connected).
The low aquabus connector on Aquaero 6 has been converted, via firmware, into a 3-pin flowmeter connector for mechanical or passive flowmeters, not MPS devices.

+1 :thumbup:

Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2020, 03:17

You need to connect the MPS200 to USB so that you can configure it and set the aquabus address via aquasuite. Once you have done this you only need to connect the aquabus with 4 pin cable. You can use Y cables to connect more devices to the aquabus.

If you leave the USB cable connected with the aquabus connected, then you can use a 3 pin cable for the aquabus connection. Remove the USB and you need the 4 pin connector, and only the 4 pin cable

The device needs to be powered with 5v, which it gets from USB, or the 4th pin of the aquabus. If you have both connected it gets power from the USB, whether or not you have used a 4 or 3 pin cable for aquabus ( you CAN safely have both USB and 4-pin aquabus cables connected).
The low aquabus connector on Aquaero 6 has been converted, via firmware, into a 3-pin flowmeter connector for mechanical or passive flowmeters, not MPS devices.

+1 :thumbup:
Well, I did what you guys suggested and connected the USB side of things first. Got a heartbeat. So while I don't have the 4 pin, it at least now shows up in the software so I thank you guys for all the help.

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