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Configuration / Wiring Assistance for New Build

Sonntag, 2. August 2020, 19:18

I am building a new system and looking for wiring advice to connect the following components for full control via Aquasuite/Aquaero. Note, this is my first build with Aquacomputer so please be patient with me :). Also I normally wouldn't mess with all the RGB, but it was a way to get my kids involved in building PCs so the added complexity it totally worth it!

Hardware List:
1 - Aquaero 6 LT
2 - Farbwerk 360 (on order)
1 - Hubby7 (on order)
5 - Splitty4 (on backorder)
1 - Splitty9
1 - D5 Next RBG Pump
10 - Corsiar QL Fans (34 addressable leds per fan)
3 - 4 way fan splitter (generic)

I'm pretty sure I did the math right on the number of Splitty4 and Farbwerk 360's needed based on the number and groups of LEDs, but wiring this all up is my question.

RGB Wiring:
Connect 2 QL Fans per Splitty4
Connect 3 of the Splitty4 to Farbwerk 360 #1 - which cable / connector?
Connect 2 of the Splitty4 to Farbwerk 360 #2 - which cable / connector?
Connect each Farbwerk 360 to where? (USB - Hubby7? or Aquabus on Aquero?)

Would this be correct?

Fan Wiring
Option 1:
Connect 9 fans to Splitty9
Connect Splitty 9 to fan header 1 on Aquero
Connect 10th fan to fan header 1 on Aquero

Option 2 (for ease of cable routing and radiator removal)
Connect fans 1, 2, 3 to fan splitter 1
Connect fan splitter 1 to fan header 1 on Aquero
Connect fans 4, 5, 6 to fan splitter 2 Connect fan splitter 2 to fan header 2 on Aquero Connect fans 7, 8, 9 to fan splitter 3 Connect fan splitter 3 to fan header 3 on Aquero Connect fan 10 to fan header 4 on Aquero

D5 Next Pump
Connect via USB to Hubby7 and Aquabus (USB for future updates / ease of firmware updates)

Any advice or if I'm missing any hardware would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Montag, 3. August 2020, 19:14

Wiring looks good.

- A RGBpx connection cable is included in the Splitty4 delivery. Use that cable to connect the Splitty4 to the Farbwerk360.
- Farbwerk360 must be connected to USB. The aquabus Connector on the Farbwerk360 is disabled.

Fan Wiring Option 2 is the prefered one.
Option 1 can exceed the maximum Current (2.5 Ampere) of each Fan connector on the Aquaero. Over Current Protection may stop the Fans from working.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hufeisen« (3. August 2020, 19:16)

Montag, 3. August 2020, 19:20

Great! Thank you for the quick reply and information. Option 2 for the fans is my preferred for the cable management so that works great.

Thank you!