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Alphacool Eisfach - Single Laing D5 - Dual 5.25 Bay Station [15247] compatabiliity

Montag, 10. August 2020, 12:02

I'm wanting to change my loop using the Alphacool Eisfach - Single Laing D5 - Dual 5.25 Bay Station [15247]. https://www.aquatuning.co.uk/water-cooli…-25-bay-station

The pump I want to use is the Aqua Computer D5 NEXT RGB Smart Pump. https://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_inf…785&language=en

Will there be any issues with fitting compatability.
Is there likely to be any incompatability. As far as I can see the top of the pump and the bay station punp connect are standar D5 compatable.
Thanks. :)



Senior Member

Montag, 10. August 2020, 14:41

Compatibility list: Click

Montag, 10. August 2020, 18:20

If you install this bayres with D5 NEXT you wont be able to see its screen and rgb lighting.
I'd better consider regular D5 PWM and add QUADRO as a controller to have the same or more features D5 NEXT provides.

Montag, 10. August 2020, 20:58

@wpuserThanks missed that. That's great.

@k2viper That's not too much of an Issue, I have a Aquacomputer
cuplex kryos NEXT with VISION AM4 on my AMD Ryzen 9 3900X @ 4400 MHz 1.325v I'm monitoring with Aquasuite already and will add the D5 NEXT RGB Smart Pump monitoring to that, rather than using visual readings.

I have an Phanteks Enthoo Primo case, the 5.25" bays have door in front i can open that and laeve the bay covers off, tht means I will most likely see the screen though it will be upside down

I should also be able to see it from the side panel window looking around the corner into the mobo side of the.

Many thanks for your insights and the QUADRO suggestion. :)
Parts ordered thanks for your help folks :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »supershanks« (10. August 2020, 23:37)