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Is this positioning of the high flow USB sensor okay? And a Q about Octo

Montag, 17. August 2020, 14:40

I have the sensor mounted to a bracket as shown below
is this orientation okay?
Also, when I go to the sensors menu item for the Octo within Aquasuite, the high flow USB is displayed under "MPS Flow"
However, when I go to Alarm settings for the Octo only the flow input on the Octo can be used. Is a change coming to incorporate it?

Montag, 17. August 2020, 18:05

The flow sensor is fine where you have it.

The High Flow USB flow sensor should have it's own tab in the aquasuite.
You need to import the High Flow USB flow sensor data into one of the Soft.Sensors under the octo sensors tab, then it will be available to use with the octo.

The attached screenshot is from a quadro, but the octo is the same. flowsensor.jpg

Dienstag, 18. August 2020, 13:17

Thanks for confirmation regarding the sensor orientation
The soft sensors are not selectable within the alarm section, hence why zi asked if there are pending upgrades to include this feature