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Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2021, 16:45

The flow rate is the same everywhere in a loop,
So you can arrange High flow next anywhere.
As long as there are no bends within five centimeters of the inlet and outlet.
in addition,
If I were you, I would set up a radiator between the CPU and GPU. :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Jacob« (14. Oktober 2021, 16:46)


Junior Member

Montag, 18. Oktober 2021, 22:42


Looks like stock wont be available till late Jan 2022. Can anyone confirm this?

Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2021, 13:51


Looks like stock wont be available till late Jan 2022. Can anyone confirm this?

There were a few available on the aquacomputer WEB SHOP when I checked at [2021.10.19 11:49 UTC]. (web_shop.jpg)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (19. Oktober 2021, 14:02)


Junior Member

Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2021, 22:28

Thanks mate, just placed the order.

Freitag, 11. Februar 2022, 15:24

Overall I'm happy with my flow sensor but I just had to reboot 4 times to revert back to an old software version after installing the update which didn't warn me beforehand that I was ineligible due to expired software licence. I think I updated then I was prompted to install the insider version but it wasn't clear as I thought I was just updating the service for the newly installed version. I highly doubt I could tell the difference between the new and old software anyway. :cursing:

Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2022, 01:30

The high flow NEXT temperature sensor doesn't work correctly when there is no flow.
Of course the complete device including the sensor will heat up due the heat of the LEDs, Display, PCB. So you need at least a small flow to measure exactly.
If a flow is applied it's one of the best water temperature sensors available at the market and less influenced by ambient air then many other sensors.

"The high flow NEXT temperature sensor doesn't work correctly when there is no flow."
How does the 'Automatic offset compensation in standby' work?

In the High Flow NEXT manual I see the following"


8.7. Power measurement
The automatic offset calibration during standby can be activated for improved ac-
curacy. When active, internal and external temperature sensor readings will be
matched during prolonged shutdown of the PC.

My question is, how can the internal and external sensors be 'matched' during standby when the primary (internal) sensor is not reliable at standby (zero flow condition)?
Did you ever get a final answer about the automatic offset calibration during standby and the fact that the High Flow Next reports a higher temp when there is no flow due to proximity to waste heat producing components? The wording suggests that checking this box would compensate for this additional temperature so it seems that this box should be checked. I am confused.

Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2022, 03:33

The high flow NEXT temperature sensor doesn't work correctly when there is no flow.
Of course the complete device including the sensor will heat up due the heat of the LEDs, Display, PCB. So you need at least a small flow to measure exactly.
If a flow is applied it's one of the best water temperature sensors available at the market and less influenced by ambient air then many other sensors.

"The high flow NEXT temperature sensor doesn't work correctly when there is no flow."
How does the 'Automatic offset compensation in standby' work?

In the High Flow NEXT manual I see the following"


8.7. Power measurement
The automatic offset calibration during standby can be activated for improved ac-
curacy. When active, internal and external temperature sensor readings will be
matched during prolonged shutdown of the PC.

My question is, how can the internal and external sensors be 'matched' during standby when the primary (internal) sensor is not reliable at standby (zero flow condition)?
Did you ever get a final answer about the automatic offset calibration during standby and the fact that the High Flow Next reports a higher temp when there is no flow due to proximity to waste heat producing components? The wording suggests that checking this box would compensate for this additional temperature so it seems that this box should be checked. I am confused.

Yes, Stephan replied in the quote you quoted. He agreed there is a bias induced when the cooling system is inactive. Nothing more was said regarding the calibration function, but the issue is obvious.

I don't know if there is a plan to move the internal temperature sensor on the High Flow NEXT to remove the heat induced bias. Aquacomputer is fairly poor about versioning changes in their gear, so we may never know without another test.

The way I read the text in 8.7 regarding sensor matching, is the HFN waits until the system temperature have stabilized to ambient, and then it would apply an offset to the external sensor to match the much more accurate/reliable internal sensor. The concept is interesting as that makes the Power Dissipated result much better, but as we can see, that does not work under actual condition.

I gathered 4 temperature sensors, compared them, and used the one I believed best reflected the ambient condition, and leave the auto calibrate function deselected.

Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2022, 22:29

Yes, Stephan replied in the quote you quoted. He agreed there is a bias induced when the cooling system is inactive. Nothing more was said regarding the calibration function, but the issue is obvious.

I don't know if there is a plan to move the internal temperature sensor on the High Flow NEXT to remove the heat induced bias. Aquacomputer is fairly poor about versioning changes in their gear, so we may never know without another test.

The way I read the text in 8.7 regarding sensor matching, is the HFN waits until the system temperature have stabilized to ambient, and then it would apply an offset to the external sensor to match the much more accurate/reliable internal sensor. The concept is interesting as that makes the Power Dissipated result much better, but as we can see, that does not work under actual condition.

I gathered 4 temperature sensors, compared them, and used the one I believed best reflected the ambient condition, and leave the auto calibrate function deselected.
Thank you. I did see what Stephan said but I did not see a resolution to the issue. I dug up this post because I am planning a custom loop with a HFN included so I went back through this thread as part of my pre-purchase research. I think the HFN is still the best flow sensor on the market in it's price range, judging from the Igor's lab reviews which found some of the others out there to be wildly inaccurate. The issue of this temp sensor being affected by waste heat when there is no flow is a relatively minor concern.

Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2022, 13:11

Thank you. I did see what Stephan said but I did not see a resolution to the issue. I dug up this post because I am planning a custom loop with a HFN included so I went back through this thread as part of my pre-purchase research. I think the HFN is still the best flow sensor on the market in it's price range, judging from the Igor's lab reviews which found some of the others out there to be wildly inaccurate. The issue of this temp sensor being affected by waste heat when there is no flow is a relatively minor concern.

Agree, simply do not use the external temperature sensor auto adjust function.

Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2022, 18:24

Agree, simply do not use the external temperature sensor auto adjust function.
Understood. Thanks for the clarification.

Sonntag, 20. Februar 2022, 22:39

Is there any ETA on when these will be available?
I pre-ordered one from ModMyMods back in September 2021, and over five months later we are still waiting for it to get shipped out..

Montag, 21. Februar 2022, 06:19

Is there any ETA on when these will be available?
I pre-ordered one from ModMyMods back in September 2021, and over five months later we are still waiting for it to get shipped out..

This days for delivery in their webshop are always max days it can need in maximum. As a example I had a repalcement beginning of the year and I received my new device with something around 2 weeks (with the webhop status: "currently not in shop" and "days for delivery 60 days").
So, I think you should ask this to your supplier.

Montag, 21. Februar 2022, 17:41

Is there any ETA on when these will be available?
I pre-ordered one from ModMyMods back in September 2021, and over five months later we are still waiting for it to get shipped out..

This days for delivery in their webshop are always max days it can need in maximum. As a example I had a repalcement beginning of the year and I received my new device with something around 2 weeks (with the webhop status: "currently not in shop" and "days for delivery 60 days").
So, I think you should ask this to your supplier.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Yeah, I've already asked ModMyMods several times, and each time they keep saying essentially that they are still waiting to receive the units from Aquacomputer.
If you are only waiting a couple of weeks when ordering from the Aquacomputer website directly, maybe I also should order from the Aquacomputer website instead of their authorized handler ModMyMods.

Montag, 21. Februar 2022, 17:54

I believe MMM buys from a distributer, not direct from Aquacomputer.

I have also used their pre-order option on occasion, but it generally has not turned out successfully. One instance was a High Flow NEXT. After about 2 months I saw they were available on the Aquacomputer web shop and I ordered two and canceled with MMM. Josh did not argue the cancellation. I wish they would only offer pre-order if they know products is on the way.

Montag, 21. Februar 2022, 21:46

I believe MMM buys from a distributer, not direct from Aquacomputer.

I have also used their pre-order option on occasion, but it generally has not turned out successfully. One instance was a High Flow NEXT. After about 2 months I saw they were available on the Aquacomputer web shop and I ordered two and canceled with MMM. Josh did not argue the cancellation. I wish they would only offer pre-order if they know products is on the way.
I have also dealt with Josh at MMM who has always been super helpful. He told me that they only open up pre-orders if they have a shipment arrival date. Maybe they changed this policy? I bought my first Octo from MMM for $57.50 in March of 2021. More recently, they still had the Octo listed for $57.50 with pre-orders available. Josh told me that they would honor that price if a pre-order was placed before they updated their pricing. I ended up buying a 2nd Octo from PPCs in December of 2021 (because they were actually in stock) but paid $73.95. When I checked MMM again, they had raised their price to $71.25 but have not had any in stock for months. Now the Aquacomputer shop lists the Octo for EUR 74.90. I don't recall what their price was before but based on the US dollar price increase, they went up ~28%. Inflation sucks.

Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022, 02:20

I believe MMM buys from a distributer, not direct from Aquacomputer.

I have also used their pre-order option on occasion, but it generally has not turned out successfully. One instance was a High Flow NEXT. After about 2 months I saw they were available on the Aquacomputer web shop and I ordered two and canceled with MMM. Josh did not argue the cancellation. I wish they would only offer pre-order if they know products is on the way.
I have also dealt with Josh at MMM who has always been super helpful. He told me that they only open up pre-orders if they have a shipment arrival date. Maybe they changed this policy? I bought my first Octo from MMM for $57.50 in March of 2021. More recently, they still had the Octo listed for $57.50 with pre-orders available. Josh told me that they would honor that price if a pre-order was placed before they updated their pricing. I ended up buying a 2nd Octo from PPCs in December of 2021 (because they were actually in stock) but paid $73.95. When I checked MMM again, they had raised their price to $71.25 but have not had any in stock for months. Now the Aquacomputer shop lists the Octo for EUR 74.90. I don't recall what their price was before but based on the US dollar price increase, they went up ~28%. Inflation sucks.

Thank you both for sharing your experiences.
So far I have been given three different timeframes from MMM, all of which have passed by now.
And I asked them for a specific date, but they couldn’t provide one.
Josh seems like a nice guy and would probably let me cancel, but I’d most likely have to eat their 10% restocking fee that’s listed on their website.

Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022, 02:33

A restocking fee? How can they charge you to restock something that they never sent you? I really doubt they would try to do that.

Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022, 04:24

A restocking fee? How can they charge you to restock something that they never sent you? I really doubt they would try to do that.
Just checked their website again, and I was incorrect earlier with it being called a "restocking fee".
The term they use is technically called a "cancellation fee":

But regardless, it's still B.S. IMO since the product is going to sell out anyways regardless of who cancels and who doesn't.

Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2022, 01:56

A restocking fee? How can they charge you to restock something that they never sent you? I really doubt they would try to do that.
Just checked their website again, and I was incorrect earlier with it being called a "restocking fee".
The term they use is technically called a "cancellation fee":

But regardless, it's still B.S. IMO since the product is going to sell out anyways regardless of who cancels and who doesn't.

I was not charged a cancellation fee when I canceled the High Flow NEXT order.
I believe with the time you have invested, you may not have a cancellation fee, but you may want to wait to cancel until you have an order somewhere else.

I spoke with Josh about the cancellation fee and suggested he do back-orders with a defined shipping date.
Then a 10% fee if canceled during that time, and no fee if after.

MMM are a good bunch, and are generally a few pence cheaper, both in product & shipping compared to PPCs.
PPCs has a product selection few can match, but their webite sucks.
Titan Rigs is the flexing their muscle now. They used to sell exclusively on Amazon and were expensive, but they're going gangbusters with their web shop now,

Samstag, 26. Februar 2022, 07:22

A restocking fee? How can they charge you to restock something that they never sent you? I really doubt they would try to do that.
Just checked their website again, and I was incorrect earlier with it being called a "restocking fee".
The term they use is technically called a "cancellation fee":

But regardless, it's still B.S. IMO since the product is going to sell out anyways regardless of who cancels and who doesn't.

I was not charged a cancellation fee when I canceled the High Flow NEXT order.
I believe with the time you have invested, you may not have a cancellation fee, but you may want to wait to cancel until you have an order somewhere else.

I spoke with Josh about the cancellation fee and suggested he do back-orders with a defined shipping date.
Then a 10% fee if canceled during that time, and no fee if after.

MMM are a good bunch, and are generally a few pence cheaper, both in product & shipping compared to PPCs.
PPCs has a product selection few can match, but their webite sucks.
Titan Rigs is the flexing their muscle now. They used to sell exclusively on Amazon and were expensive, but they're going gangbusters with their web shop now,
That's nice that you didn't get a cancellation fee when you cancelled.
And that's a good point, with the amount of time I've been waiting, Josh may be able to waive the cancellation fee for me.
However, when I originally ordered back in September, it was at the non-inflated price of $75 plus $6 shipping, so if I order from aquacomputer or another European retailer, I'll have to play quite a lot more than that due to the currency exchange and expensive shipping.
But I contacted Josh again the other day, and this time he indicated that there is an expectation for his units to arrive in March.

So it wouldn't be an easy decision for me to cancel with MMM; Josh has been very responsive and I'd save some money by waiting. Tough decision..
Although I wish either MMM, the distributor, or Aquacomputer's timelines were more accurate.
Not sure where their inaccurate timelines are coming from exactly, but it's annoying hearing ETAs that are often not realistic.

I agree with you that MMM should provide a defined shipping date, and then apply the cancellation fee only if you cancel before that date.

The reason I ordered from MMM originally was because they had the best price that I could find, and the local shipping to the states as well.
I was fine waiting a month or two, but did not expect to have to wait 5+ months just for a flow sensor, especially now since we are approaching the end of this pandemic and supply shortage.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »rzelek506« (26. Februar 2022, 07:23)