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Farbwerk compatibility (aquaero 6 and LED strips)

Sonntag, 6. September 2020, 18:28

I need to wire 2×1,5 m LED strips and I were wondering what is the maximum length it can drive for each strip.

I'm also not sure about setup. It does not need to be connected to USB if I have aquabus cable, right?
I imagine I would just need a molex cable and aquabus to aquaero 6 to use it?

Thank you

Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2020, 10:21

Help! please!

Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2020, 12:43

Quoting from farbwerk USB, aquabus version product page:

"Comaptible LED strips:
LED strips for 12 V, common anode. Suitable LED strips and connectors are available from Aqua Computer.
Maximum current per channel: 2,5 A
Maximum combined current (all channels): 8 A (resulting in a maximum total power of 96 Watts at 12 Volts)"

"aquabus version (53170):
The aquabus version of the farbwerk can be connected to an aquaero 5 or aquaero 6 controller. The aquaero can then be configured to control the outputs of the farbwerk or to transmit sensor data from the aquaero to the farbwerk to be processed by the farbwerk. Up to two farbwerk controllers can be connected to an aquaero 5/6 simultaneously. As a matter of course, this version can also be used as an USB device without aquabus connection."