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Aquasuite Feature Request - RGBpx Offset Configuration

Wednesday, September 23rd 2020, 5:54pm

I'm looking for the ability to use a time offset for various controllers in RGBpx. The current setup I've got right now looks great, but if I had the ability to delay/offset the beginning of a controller sequence in RGBpx would enable a more coordinated transition between controllers. Let me know if this isn't a clear explanation, and I'll do my best to elaborate.

See attached photo for context. The following is how I've got my 9 fans/monitor lighting wired.

-RGPpx Port 1
Top 360 Radiator, channels 1-36
Front Chassis Top Fan - Channels 37-48
Front Chassis Bottom Fan - Channels 49-60
-RGBpx Port 2
Bottom 360 Radiator - Channels 1-36
Rear Chassis Fan - Channels 37-48

Monitor RGBpx Kit - Channels 1-60
nebj00la has attached the following image:
  • rgbpx-channels.PNG



Wednesday, September 23rd 2020, 5:59pm

This feature will be available with "RGBpx FUSION". It's on our schedule and one of the next big topics for the development.
At RGBpx FUSION all aqua computer controllers will be merged and can be controlled. This will work for any device with RGBpx we have ever sold.

Wednesday, September 23rd 2020, 6:06pm

This feature will be available with "RGBpx FUSION". It's on our schedule and one of the next big topics for the development.
At RGBpx FUSION all aqua computer controllers will be merged and can be controlled. This will work for any device with RGBpx we have ever sold.
Excellent, thank you. Do you have an ETA for RGBpx FUSION?



Wednesday, September 23rd 2020, 6:11pm

I'm sorry but we have stopped talking about ETAs more than 10 years ago :)

Flop Ysh

Junior Member

Wednesday, September 23rd 2020, 7:51pm

This feature will be available with "RGBpx FUSION". It's on our schedule and one of the next big topics for the development.
At RGBpx FUSION all aqua computer controllers will be merged and can be controlled. This will work for any device with RGBpx we have ever sold.

Hi @Stephan

it's going to be a new controller, firmware...?


Full Member

Thursday, September 24th 2020, 10:22am

I guess it will be the new aquasuite section, like Playground was added some time ago.

Flop Ysh

Junior Member

Thursday, September 24th 2020, 12:08pm

I guess it will be the new aquasuite section, like Playground was added some time ago.

ah thanks!



Thursday, September 24th 2020, 1:50pm

Yes, it will be a new section in the aquasuite. The RGBpx FUSION process will run in the service - so the aquasuite doesn't have to run until you want to change something.
The controllers already support this - it's the same process already running if you use AMBIENTpx.