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Junior Member

Does the Lian Li Strimer plus cables work on the OCTO / Farbwek?

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2020, 04:11

From my understanding, each RGBpx channel on the OCTO / Farbwerk support only 90 LEDs.

So my question is, has anyone tried getting the Lian Li Strimer plus cables to work on either the OCTO or the Farbwerk?

I believe the Lian Li Strimer Plus MB cable contains 120 LEDs and the GPU cable contains 108 LEDs.



Junior Member

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2020, 08:56

I don't currently have the aquasuite software, nor do I have any components, so take what I say knowing that. From everything I have read on the details of the devices and how it all works, it is currently a pretty hard limit on 90 LEDs per RGBpx channel, which is at the very least on the software side (though also possibly on the hardware side, but idk).

The other thing is that the LEDs have to be 5V and need to be WS2812(or WS2812B, not sure which as I have seen both being referenced as the requirements on the forums by various people) to work properly. Some quick googling on the device, and from the various things I have looked at, I can't even find if the LEDs are 12V or 5V. I know it advertises that the controller can connect to a motherboard 5V RGB connector, and while I feel it means there is a good chance the LEDs are 5V, it could just be using that as a data connection and still be outputting 12V to the LEDs.

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2020, 13:36

Strips longer then 90 leds should work, but only first 90 leds will light up.
WS2812B is the standard. I have some general strips from aliexpress working on farbwerk360.

Montag, 5. Oktober 2020, 00:38

The Lian Li controler handles the power supply for the leds so here the question is more: Is the 90led per channel a limitation also implemented in the Aquasuite software?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Flop Ysh« (5. Oktober 2020, 02:55)

Montag, 5. Oktober 2020, 08:06

Each chanel shows 90 LEDs within the software, no matter whats connected to the channel.
So the answer is yes.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Montag, 5. Oktober 2020, 10:45

Thank you!

Montag, 5. Oktober 2020, 13:17

90 leds per channel limit is a aquacomputer RGBpx controllers hardware limitation also reflected in Aquasuite. Strips longer then 90 diodes can be connected, but only first 90 will light up.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »k2viper« (5. Oktober 2020, 13:20)

90 LED limit?

Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2020, 07:59

@k2viper, as you seem to know quite a bit about this, do you happen to know what the hardware limit is related to? ?(

I’m trying to run 3 of lian li’s new interlocking Uni fans together on an RGBpx 360 channel. Sadly, there are 96 LEDs in total (32 per fan). I’d love to get the last 6 working. Due to the nature of this hardware, I can’t split the 2 radiators with 3 fans each into 3 groups of 2 fans using 64 ch each group. I’m also loathe to install Lian Li’s control software.

Welcome any thoughts or helpful pointers.
[edit: typos]

Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2020, 13:42

The 90 LEDs is a limit in the Firmware of the Aquacomputer devices.

It is set by Aquacomputer so the RGBpx Controller does not get overloaded.
The processing of the Color Information and Effects is done in the Aquacomputer Device itself, not in the Aquasuite Software.

Freitag, 9. Oktober 2020, 03:51

Thank you Hufeisen. Understandable, but a pain. I haven't come up with a good plan for these fans yet. If anyone at Aquacomputer would be willing to take a look, it would be really great to be able to support this config.

I guess the issue is that someone will then ask for 4 fans as a cascade and 128 channels. ;(