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Is aquabus needed, and cabling

Samstag, 12. Dezember 2020, 20:08

Hello, I have an aqua aero 6, an octo, an ultitube pro 200 and several other aqua computer parts for my new build. (flow sensors etc.)

If I am able to connect every component via USB, then is it necessary at all to use the aquabus connections?

Secondly, the 4 pin connector on the octo labeled 'aquabus' is 4 very small pins, while the aquabus high connector is also 4 pin but a larger connector. What is the cable part # needed to connect these two things together?

thank you

Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2020, 04:32

If you are running Windows 8 or higher, having only USB connected is fine, you will see all components in the aquasuite.
You actually loose some control/function with the octo if you aquabus it to the the aquaero.

The connector cable has part number 53214, but it should not be needed.

Freitag, 18. Dezember 2020, 21:52

Thanks. That makes it clear I will only run USB

The second question is about RBGpx.

Since the ultitube Pro comes with the RGB Ring and is delivered with the pump installed, I am not sure of the best way to connect these.

I believe I should use the aquabus connector of the pump to connect to the 'out' plug on the RBG ring. The 'in' plug would go back to the aqua aero 6.

If that is corect, then what is the proper wire to go from the small 'in' port on the RGB ring back to the aqua aero ?

thank you

Freitag, 18. Dezember 2020, 22:58

The ULTITUBE PRO comes with a D5 NEXT pump, which has its own RGBpx port, and a 50 cm RGBpx cable.
You connect one end of the RGBpx cable to the RGBpx port of the D5 NEXT, and the other end to the 'IN' port on the RGB LED ring.

The included 50 cm RGBpx cable may be a bit long, but there are other cable lengths available.
Don't know if the 4 cm one would be long enough, if not, the 10 cm should work.

Edit: the D5 NEXT's RGBpx port may be assigned as the aquabus port, mutually exclusive. For your application you want it to be RGBpx.
The two RGBpx ports on the OCTO can be used for additional lighting in the case.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (18. Dezember 2020, 23:02)