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aquasuite 4.52.10 incl. aquaduct 360 XT mark II

Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008, 20:29

The aquasuite version 4.52.10 is available in the download area as of now. The most essential change is the support of the aquaduct 360 XT mark II. The latest firmware files for the aquaduct 360 XT mark II are integrated into the package.

For a smooth update adhere the following steps:

1.) Install the aquasuite, deinstall old version if necessary before

2.) Load the factory defaults in the aquaduct 360 XT mark II, keeping the knob pushed down while aquaduct start until the reset was confirmed in the display

3.) Flash the firmware of the pump controller: "aquaduct of 360 mkII" > "flash pump firmware", select the file "aquaduct360mkii_pumpenfirmware_1013.afd4"

4.) Flash the firmware of the aquaduct controller: "aquaduct 360 mkII" > "flash firmware", select the file "aquaduct360mkii_firmware104.afd4"

5.) Turn your PC off, wait a few seconds and start newly

By the firmware update some missing functions at the first delivery are activated now and known bugs have been fixed.

Although we hope that it is not necessary, however, if you have problems please post them here.

Re: aquasuite 4.52.10 incl. aquaduct 360 XT mark I

Freitag, 1. Februar 2008, 01:56

great to hear about the update iv beeing wating for it becuse i have this proplem with the Aquaduct 360 XT i have flashed the Firmwar on accident with aqueaero firmewar now woulde i be abel to reverse it to how it is or NO ? by using the updated Files ? or firmeware files ?

Re: aquasuite 4.52.10 incl. aquaduct 360 XT mark I

Freitag, 1. Februar 2008, 12:25

I think you have the old aquaduct 360 XT, not the mark II version because it is impossible to flash the aquaero firmware to the aquaduct 360 XT mark II.

In ~2 weeks an other version of the aquasuite will be released which allows you to reflash the aquaduct firmware.

Re: aquasuite 4.52.10 incl. aquaduct 360 XT mark I

Samstag, 2. Februar 2008, 01:46

yes i do have the old aquaduct 360 XT had same proplem as another member did where it side that Pump 1 not availabel and firmewar too old and not connected but i hop i can fix the proplem i have right now from the upcoming update :)