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I have the same problem here.
It seems to me that it from version X.35, but not sure.
Process take more and more ram until filling my 16Go and crashing other process.
It's aquasuite wich has the problem, aquacomputer service task is ok for me. I have always aquasuite running in back, and it look like a memory leek.
My hardware :
CPU: AMD 2700X
Motherboard: MSI X470 Gaming Plus
Ram: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16Go (2x 8Go) DDR4 3200Mz
GPU : EVGA NVidia GTX 2080
Aquacomputer OCTO
Are there any logs that I can give you ?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Lowbaka" (Mar 3rd 2021, 12:01am)
more details please. Screenshots make screenshots from process monitor application details windowI still have the problem today despite I have update aquasuite with X.37 and X.38.