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Aquacomputer Service Takes alot of memory randomly

Tuesday, January 19th 2021, 3:37am

Aquacomputer Service has started taking alot of memory up to 9GB ive seen so far. Mostly stays around 2GB.

This has happened since X31 and now continues on X3. I only have a D5 Next pump

Tuesday, January 19th 2021, 2:32pm

Under normal conditions the service need never more than 1GB.
Try to disable the hardware Monitoring, and other running software.

We need a lot more information to narrow down the problem.
Software, Hadrware, ...

Tuesday, January 19th 2021, 7:01pm



CPU: AMD 3950X
Motherboard: Asrock X570 Aqua
Ram: G.Skill 64GB 16x4 CL16 3600mhz OC to 3800mhz
GPU : MSI Gaming X Trio Nvidia 3090
NVME: Sabrent Rocket 1TB x2
SSD 1TB Samsung 840 + 500GB
HDD: 10+8TB Seagate Barracuda Pro 7200rpm + 4TB WD 5400
Case: Modded: Thermaltake View 91
Top Radiator: HWLabs GTR in Push
Pull Front Radiator: HWLabs GTS in
Push Tubing: Alphacool Glass Hard Tubing 16OD
Fittings : Bykski Blue
Pump: Aquacomputer D5 Next RGB
Top: Alphacool Eisdecke D5 Plexi Top V.4
Fans: Thermaltake Pure ARGB 12 x 12
Coolant: Aquacomputer Blue
PSU: Corsair AX1600i (Just Incase)
PSU Shroud: Custom Made Plexiglass with name on

Software. MSI AB + Rivatuner.
Gskill RGB control

Tuesday, January 19th 2021, 7:07pm

MSI AB + Rivatuner.
try to disable this and RTSS.

Tuesday, January 19th 2021, 9:07pm

MSI AB + Rivatuner.
try to disable this and RTSS.
This wasnt an issue before so why is this an issue now? You asking to just debug this at this point right ? This cannot be a solution



Tuesday, January 26th 2021, 1:37am


I have the same problem here.
It seems to me that it from version X.35, but not sure.
Process take more and more ram until filling my 16Go and crashing other process.

It's aquasuite wich has the problem, aquacomputer service task is ok for me. I have always aquasuite running in back, and it look like a memory leek.

My hardware :
CPU: AMD 2700X

Motherboard: MSI X470 Gaming Plus
Ram: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16Go (2x 8Go) DDR4 3200Mz
GPU : EVGA NVidia GTX 2080

Aquacomputer OCTO

Are there any logs that I can give you ?

Tuesday, January 26th 2021, 11:49pm


I have the same problem here.
It seems to me that it from version X.35, but not sure.
Process take more and more ram until filling my 16Go and crashing other process.

It's aquasuite wich has the problem, aquacomputer service task is ok for me. I have always aquasuite running in back, and it look like a memory leek.

My hardware :
CPU: AMD 2700X

Motherboard: MSI X470 Gaming Plus
Ram: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16Go (2x 8Go) DDR4 3200Mz
GPU : EVGA NVidia GTX 2080

Aquacomputer OCTO

Are there any logs that I can give you ?

I think they know about it and dont know how to fix it.
I have offered any thing they need including the logs but they just seem to be blaming other software that was around and working well before x35.



Wednesday, January 27th 2021, 10:33am

We will investigate this problem, but it takes time. At our machines we don't have the issue so it's hard to find the problem.
Anyway please try to just run the aquasuite and tell us if the issue occurs. Also try to use a new clear desktop page and check again if still an issue.
Deactivate hardware monitoring and try again.
You can also backup your data and do a clear new install to test if this issue occurs.

We need to find the part of the software that is responsible for the leak.

The garbage collection is a complex task at the aquasuite as there are many dynamic modules and much multi threading processes.
This is not an error that happens at many machines.



Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 2:44pm


Problem still occure in X.36 : todays, aquasuite go to 2.5Go of RAM.

What I noticed : it's seems to append when aquasuite run for a long time in background.

I have no other hardware monitoring software exept EVGA precision X1 for the graphics card monitoring.

For the new clear desktop page, is that necessary to delete others ?



Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 3:52pm

No, just select them empty one to check.

As the problem only occurs if the aquasuite runs in background: You mean the service is running or the desktop application? If the application is running: Which page is shown?



Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 4:50pm

When I say aquasuite, a talk about desktop application. Not aquacomputer services.

Aquasuite is always running on the desktop, not minimized, but behind others programs.

The page shown is my custom overview page. I will try with a clear overview page.



Thursday, February 4th 2021, 3:19pm

Ok, please tell me about the results.

Sunday, February 14th 2021, 2:27pm

This isnt fixed in X36. The service will still take 1.2GB at least even with the application not running for me.

Sunday, February 14th 2021, 3:00pm

Disable the gpu monitoring. The nvidia driver has a bug.



Tuesday, March 2nd 2021, 11:59pm


I still have the problem today despite I have update aquasuite with X.37 and X.38.
I have format and fully reinstall my computer recently but no improvement on this problem.
I keep trying with a default page.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Lowbaka" (Mar 3rd 2021, 12:01am)

Wednesday, March 3rd 2021, 7:34am

I still have the problem today despite I have update aquasuite with X.37 and X.38.
more details please. Screenshots make screenshots from process monitor application details window

Ensure you have used a actual driver and bios version. (GPU, Chipset, Bios, ....)
Kill all other running apllications and processes like Virus scnners, Firewalls, Razer, Logitech, Afterburner, RTSS ......



Wednesday, March 10th 2021, 2:38pm


I have test with default OCTO page during one week. There was no memory overflow.
I retake my custom page today, and after lunch, aquasuite use 8Go of RAM. It's seems come from a element of my custom page.

I join a view and an export from aquasuite of my custom page.

What do you want exactly from process monitor application detail ? There is at least 20 aquasuite process.

Lowbaka has attached the following image:
  • octo_custom_page.PNG
Lowbaka has attached the following file:
  • octo.zip (7.93 kB - 223 times downloaded - Last download: Aug 26th 2024, 11:34pm)

Wednesday, March 10th 2021, 2:48pm

There is at least 20 aquasuite process.
Make a few screenshots. attach your background picture as zip file. (boitier_aquasuiteUI.png)



Wednesday, March 10th 2021, 3:29pm

Joined :
- A screenshoot of process monitor application detail at the moment (no RAM overflow for the moment because I relaunch aquasuite).
- A zip with background image of my custom page.
Lowbaka has attached the following image:
  • task_details.PNG
Lowbaka has attached the following file:

Wednesday, March 10th 2021, 3:39pm

This is only one instance,..double click aquasuite.exe in the progamm tree and make a screenshot from the first 3 tabs when you have the memoy issue.