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High Flow LT Connected to Quadro - No Reading

Montag, 25. Januar 2021, 17:00

Hi all,
I recently got the high flow LT flow sensor and added it to my loop being run by a DDC pump.

The flow sensor is connected to an Quadro unit only via the small 3-pin connector (cable provided in the high flow LT package) to the “flow sensor” connector on the Quadro.

The aquasuite shows no reading from the flow sensor and flow sensor reading shows up as “0 L/H”.

Am I missing anything here?
I would appreciate AquaComputer’s official support too :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »soulskill« (25. Januar 2021, 17:59)

Montag, 25. Januar 2021, 18:06

Maybe your flow rate is too low.
Set your DDC Pump to maximum power and see if you get a reading from the Flow sensor.

Montag, 25. Januar 2021, 18:25

Maybe your flow rate is too low.
Set your DDC Pump to maximum power and see if you get a reading from the Flow sensor.

I ran the pump at 85% of its capacity and still had no output from the flow sensor.

Is there any other cable/connector I have to plug-in? Or switch-to? (That 3pin PWM connector looks like a candidate - but I could not find any manual/document showing it’s usage for the provided cable - also looking if someone can confirm it officially)

Montag, 25. Januar 2021, 23:09

I ran the pump at 85% of its capacity and still had no output from the flow sensor.

Is there any other cable/connector I have to plug-in? Or switch-to? (That 3pin PWM connector looks like a candidate - but I could not find any manual/document showing it’s usage for the provided cable - also looking if someone can confirm it officially)

Quoting from the manual:


For compatibility to all Aqua Computer devices, the supplied cable is equipped with both bigger standard connectors and smaller miniature connectors. Connect the appropriate 3-pin connector to the flow sensor connector of your device. If using as high flow 2, connect the appropriate 2-pin connector to a temperature sensor connector. (The high flow LT does not have an integrated temperature sensor.)

Looking at the picture below of the included cable:
  • the 6-pin PicoBlade connector goes to the High Flow LT
  • the 3-pin PicoBlade connector goes to the flow port on your quadro
  • the 3-pin connector, looking like a 'PWM' connector, goes to the flow port on an aquaero
  • the 2-pin standard temp sensor goes to a standard 2-pin temperature port (high flow LT does not have temperature sensor)
  • the 2-pin PicoBlade connector goes to some vision product temperature ports
From your description, it appears your cable is correctly connected... and the 'PWM' looking connector is not needed for your setup.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (25. Januar 2021, 23:10)