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Making Custom ARGB to RGBpx Cable

Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021, 04:34

I currently have some Enermax argb fans and I want to clean up my cables so I've decided to make some custom ones. I'm going to start by trimming down the existing cables to as short as possible then make a spliced single cable that connects to an Octo/Fawberk. I have some questions that I was hoping to get some help on hopefully.

I want to switch out the existing normal 5v 3 pin connector on my fans to the same type Corsair uses which shoundnt be to difficult but after that is done I want to make a single spliced cable that connects the fans into one cable thst ends on in a rgbpx connector. The argb and corsair argb connectors are 3 wire and the rgbpx is 4, how would I go about doing this? Also does anyone know the name or type of the 5v 3 pin argb connector? Also the rgbpx connector is a Mico blade or Picoblade 1.25?


Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021, 17:47

The RGBpx connector is called Molex Picoblade. The Pins are 1.25mm apart.

The RGBpx connector is 4 Pin, it has Power (5V + GND) and Data in + Data out.
On the OCTO/Farbwerk, you only need to connect Power and Data out. The Data in pin is not required.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hufeisen« (25. Mai 2021, 17:49)

Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2021, 00:13

The RGBpx connector is called Molex Picoblade. The Pins are 1.25mm apart.

The RGBpx connector is 4 Pin, it has Power (5V + GND) and Data in + Data out.
On the OCTO/Farbwerk, you only need to connect Power and Data out. The Data in pin is not required.

Looking at the OCTO which are the Power & Data Out pins on the RGBpx headers please

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