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CPU Water Block: cuplex kryos NEXT VARIO vs cuplex kryos NEXT

Sonntag, 6. Juni 2021, 19:29

What are the differences between the cuplex kryos NEXT VARIO with VISION 1200/1156/1155/1151/1150, PVD / .925 silver €314.90 and, cuplex kryos NEXT with VISION 1200/1156/1155/1151/1150, PVD / .925 silver €284.90?

Before I make my selection, I would like to know the advantage of the €315 water block. And, how much of an advantage can I expect from a silver cpu water block vs the nickel?

Thank you.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Rocketlaketx« (6. Juni 2021, 19:33)

Sonntag, 6. Juni 2021, 22:31

FYI for the future, it helps if you reference a part number.

The first item you listed has VARIO, which according to the PRODUCT PAGE consists of:


The VARIO models are the first CPU water blocks globally to incorporate a real-time adjustable base - never before has it been possible to adjust the geometry of a CPU block to perfectly fit the CPU while the PC is in operation.

Montag, 7. Juni 2021, 06:18

Thank you! I am not familiar with the “Vario“ design, in any event, I’ll try and get some of the literature translated and read up on it.

Montag, 7. Juni 2021, 12:37

Section 5 in the MANUAL discusses how to afjust the VARIO model.

A couple reviews:
Aqua Computer Cuplex Kryos NEXT CPU Water Block Review
Aqua Computer cuplex kryos NEXT CPU Water Block Review

Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021, 16:58

Section 5 in the MANUAL discusses how to afjust the VARIO model.

Thank you for the very informative links, apparently the larger surface area that the micro fins cover may add to the flow resistance factor, but with interesting results. Would the selection of pump be critical to counter the flow resistance and type of fluid used, so as not to clog the micro fin layout? I understand that the fins are staggered with regular breaks, instead of long continuous rows of micro fins, which does allow for better flow.


Senior Member

Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021, 18:13

They are not staggered but slotted, i guess to allow the fin array to slightly bend under the adjustment pressure on top, and conform the coldplate to the IHS. it's still increasing flow restriction, but giving slightly better thermals too apparently.
For the rest, yea by all means avoid opaque coolants :p the particles always end up accumulating on fins, even if it's slow.
Regarding the restriction, i'd say it depends a lot on your loop. If you run a serial loop, you'll just have to run the pump a bit faster because the GPU may lose a few °C if the flow has been reduced too much.
If you have a parallel loop, the mismatch in flow restriction between CPU and GPU will make most of the water to go through the GPU, and you may end up with worst CPU thermals (if your GPU block has low restriction that is), and you'd have to increase the flow by a LOT.
It's hard to predict :)

Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021, 21:29

What I failed to mention was that, unfortunately, the reviews did not test for the effectiveness of the vario custom adjustment option, as it would be interesting to sample the real world application of the cold plate “mating” option. Incidentally, how would one gage the ideal maximum surface area contact, cold plate and IHS?


Senior Member

Freitag, 11. Juni 2021, 15:45

What I failed to mention was that, unfortunately, the reviews did not test for the effectiveness of the vario custom adjustment option, as it would be interesting to sample the real world application of the cold plate “mating” option.
There is one review in German: https://www.computerbase.de/2017-03/cupl…ben_ohne_effekt They reached an improvement of only 0,1 K.


Senior Member

Freitag, 11. Juni 2021, 17:00

the IHS of their cpu may have been very flat.
the flattter it is, the least improvement you should see since there's no concave surface to compensate for. Can't read german, i have no idea if they adressed that ^^'

Sonntag, 13. Juni 2021, 21:27

What I failed to mention was that, unfortunately, the reviews did not test for the effectiveness of the vario custom adjustment option, as it would be interesting to sample the real world application of the cold plate “mating” option.
There is one review in German: https://www.computerbase.de/2017-03/cupl…ben_ohne_effekt They reached an improvement of only 0,1 K.

Very interesting review, Thank you for sharing. Although the Aqua Computer Cuplex Kryos NEXT and Alphacool Eisblock XPX received the highest accolades for temperature control/performance; the VARIO cold plate adjustment feature was not effective in improving on the factory calibration.

Apparently, the manual adjustments for the base plate curvature only managed to improve on the factory calibrated setting by -0.1 Kelvin and reversing the adjustments degraded the performance of the “Cuplex Kryos NEXT” increasing the operating temperature by as much as 0.7 Kelvin, temperature difference between the water and the warmest CPU core.

The performance testing was compared to 5 other cpu water blocks, currently available on the market. The reviewer also added that the thermal paste, radiator, enclosure ventilation and radiator cooling fans were more critical considerations than the VARIO adjustments.