• 23.09.2024, 17:49
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Can the Kryoconnect SLI connector be used with In/Out on the same side?

Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2021, 18:55

Essentially, taking out the internal plug and running the cards in parallel instead of in series. Will this make it so the second card, on the opposite side of the input & output, gets very little flow?

It should be no problem if the In & Out were on diagonal corners, but I'm trying to put two of these into the same system, so diagonal won't fit.


Senior Member

Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2021, 19:32

for just two cards, i imagine it wouldn't matter too much. the waterblock restriction takes care of splitting the flow somewhat evenly. you may run into trouble when the pump runs very slow but it's not on the agenda i imagine :)
as long as there's enough backpressure on both blocks (same restriction), it should remain roughly even.