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Testing: Operate Accessories Bypassing Motherboard

Samstag, 19. Juni 2021, 08:41

What are my options, available to me, to operate installed water pump loop, case fans and addressable rgb without motherboard/pre processing system installation? I am familiar with procedure to jump start PSU; however, is there a controller/connection available to operate the accessories and water cooling loop bypassing main board?


Samstag, 19. Juni 2021, 09:43

For what purpose?
Basically the pump, fan controller and RGB need power from the PSU, so bridging the PSU is the only way to get power without needing the motherboard.
Another controller would also need power, so the problem remains the same.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder


Senior Member

Samstag, 19. Juni 2021, 13:21

if you wonder about running the loop without software, well Aquasuite is very light, so it shouldn't affect system performace.
That said, you could setup fan, pump and RGB with aquasuite, and uninstall it completely. The controller will work the way you have set it up and won't need any input from the computer.
You'd need at least a temperature sensor on the water loop, connected to the controller to serve as control variable for your fans.

Samstag, 19. Juni 2021, 22:13

Basically I wanted to run the testing, adjustments, loop setup,topping up loop, pressure testing, fan operations before firing up the computer system. Thank You

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021, 03:53

You can't really configure ARGB without the software to control it first. At best, you'll get the default pattern on power-up, which is usually Unicorn Puke.

Once configured, then it will run whatever you set it to do, provided that setup doesn't rely on motherboard-based data or sensors, of course.

The same will be true of many other software-based setups, like fan curves and the like - Once setup they'll run standalone just fine, but you need the mobo to set them up first.

Basic pump filling and loop stuff is done off a bridged PSU, as usual.

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021, 05:51

Thank you for all your valuable input.

Basically, I’m hearing that controllers & connectors are software oriented and can only operate connected to an active motherboard; that there are no controllers and/connectors that will operate connected only to a bridged PSU? Am I correct?

Has anyone heard about the fan kit LC-POWER Rheobus.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Rocketlaketx« (20. Juni 2021, 06:12)


Junior Member

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021, 12:25

I'm using NA-FC1 controller for testing fans and pumps, it generates PWM signal when not connected to a motherboard.


Senior Member

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021, 15:50

Thank you for all your valuable input.

Basically, I’m hearing that controllers & connectors are software oriented and can only operate connected to an active motherboard; that there are no controllers and/connectors that will operate connected only to a bridged PSU? Am I correct?

AC controllers work without motherboard. Aquasuite basically just program them, then they run autonomously.
The motherboard is only needed if you use software sensors to control the fans (components temperature readings, virtual sensors etc..).
If you only use like your water temperature sensor directly connected to a controller, it will run with only the PSU.

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021, 20:16

AC controllers work without motherboard. Aquasuite basically just program them, then they run autonomously. The motherboard is only needed if you use software sensors to control the fans (components temperature readings, virtual sensors etc..).
If you only use like your water temperature sensor directly connected to a controller, it will run with only the PSU.

I was not aware of A/C computer controllers, would you be so kind as to identify some of the well built and reliable A/C controllers available on the market?

I am not familiar with Aquasuite isn’t that a software?

Thank you.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Rocketlaketx« (20. Juni 2021, 20:24)

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021, 20:17

I'm using NA-FC1 controller for testing fans and pumps, it generates PWM signal when not connected to a motherboard.

Thank you.


Senior Member

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021, 21:55

AC controllers work without motherboard. Aquasuite basically just program them, then they run autonomously. The motherboard is only needed if you use software sensors to control the fans (components temperature readings, virtual sensors etc..).
If you only use like your water temperature sensor directly connected to a controller, it will run with only the PSU.

I was not aware of A/C computer controllers, would you be so kind as to identify some of the well built and reliable A/C controllers available on the market?

I am not familiar with Aquasuite isn’t that a software?

Thank you.
I believe you had the answer in your other post in the german section.. AC = Aquacomputer. I was referring to Octo and Quadro mostly.. and yes they work with the Aquasuite software

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Remayz« (20. Juni 2021, 21:57)

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021, 23:08

AC controllers work without motherboard. Aquasuite basically just program them, then they run autonomously. The motherboard is only needed if you use software sensors to control the fans (components temperature readings, virtual sensors etc..).
If you only use like your water temperature sensor directly connected to a controller, it will run with only the PSU.

I was not aware of A/C computer controllers, would you be so kind as to identify some of the well built and reliable A/C controllers available on the market?

I am not familiar with Aquasuite isn’t that a software?

Thank you.
I believe you had the answer in your other post in the german section.. AC = Aquacomputer. I was referring to Octo and Quadro mostly.. and yes they work with the Aquasuite software

LOL My mistake, I misunderstood A/C to be alternating current, controllers operating via a wall A/C adapter instead of a computer PSU. OK, I see it now. Thanks.

Montag, 21. Juni 2021, 03:51

Thank you for all your valuable input.

Basically, I’m hearing that controllers & connectors are software oriented and can only operate connected to an active motherboard; that there are no controllers and/connectors that will operate connected only to a bridged PSU? Am I correct?

AC controllers work without motherboard. Aquasuite basically just program them, then they run autonomously.
The motherboard is only needed if you use software sensors to control the fans (components temperature readings, virtual sensors etc..).
If you only use like your water temperature sensor directly connected to a controller, it will run with only the PSU.

The aquaero has a firmware virtual sensor that does not require the aquasuite if one wanted to fan control on coolant/ambient delta.


Senior Member

Montag, 21. Juni 2021, 10:42

ah good to know :) i only ever used the two i mentionned