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QUADRO with Splitty4 no RGB on QL120, need assistance

Freitag, 30. Juli 2021, 01:29

so from my research i understand that 3 QL120 fans have too many RGB leds for the splitty 4

my problem is, i dont have any lights at all, on any of the 3 fans

my current setup is the QUADRO to Splitty4, on the Splitty i have the 3 corsair fans RGB plugged in, and i also have the corsair CPU block, GPU block, and Corsair pump RGB daisy chained and plugged into the 'ASUS RGB' header using corsairs included adapter

the cpu, gpu, and pump RGB all operate perfectly fine, those have a total of 42 RGB lights, which should leave 48 led spots left

shouldnt some of the fans at least have some RGB lights lit up?

what am i doing wrong here?

what do i need to buy?

i have a feeling i need another Splitty4 and RGBpx cable

help would be greatly appreciated, thanks


Senior Member

Freitag, 30. Juli 2021, 02:41

You can't use both headers at the same time apparently

shop page says ; Guidelines and recommendations:
- Simultaneous connection of both lighting systems is not possible!

Either you use the Asus RGB, or you use the corsair fan headers.
For the fans also make sure you connect them in order (headers 1 to 3). they receive data on position 1, and pass from fan to fan in a daisy chain.

Ideally you'd need two more channels

One for another splitty 4 to connect the 3rd QL fan
One to connect the waterblocks and pump
That would be a Farbwerk360 + one splitty 4

The Farbwerk360 already has standard ARGB headers, for the waterblocks, and also has RGBpx cables to connect to the Splitty RGB

Since the farbwerk360 RGB is more advanced, i would move all connexions to it and only use the Quadro for PWM.

Samstag, 31. Juli 2021, 02:36

Thank you for the reply. I’m not sure how I missed that but about not using both at the same time.

I’m going to look into getting an order going to hopefully solve my problem

Thanks again!