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Is the red LED on the Vision RGB CPU blocks normally very dim?

Donnerstag, 12. August 2021, 23:41

When I set my Cuplex Kryos Vision RGB to 100% red, the light is very dim. I was hoping I could use this to indicate an alarm state, but the LED is far too dim for that. I might not even notice that it's on.

Is this normal, or is it possible there is something wrong with my unit?

Freitag, 13. August 2021, 13:41

red is less perceptible color for human eyes so it's sounds normal for me. I would use orange in your case

Freitag, 13. August 2021, 15:41

The red LEDs of the D5 Next, the Ultitube's LED ring, and my Corsair RAM are all very easily perceptible.

Freitag, 13. August 2021, 15:54

yes indeed
BUT to my knowledge the cuplex has only one led and that single led is diffusing in all that acrylic block.

Actually, to be sure the led is not faulty, the only option I see is to compare pictures taken at the same exposure and the same ambient lighting of different units ... That sounds complicated
or you ask for a return

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