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Possible to rotate ports on d5 ultitube rad mounting ?

Sonntag, 22. August 2021, 03:45

Hi Stephan

I love the whole combo unit available here (with Pump, leakshield, res and mount to rad/fans)
Ausgleichsbehälter Aquacomputer ULTITUBE LEAKSHIELD D5 150 | Tubing - reservoirs | Reservoirs | Water cooling | Aquatuning Australia

the only thing holding me back from buying right now is the port placement
Is there something which makes it possible to rotate just the ports 90 deg to the left so that the screens from the leakshield and d5 next are front facing but the water enters and exits to the left ?

Does the D5 NEXT provide all the same flow and temp information as the High Flow NEXT

Sonntag, 22. August 2021, 21:01

It depends how you mount the combo.

The bottom of the D5 Next has a set of mounting holes. If you use those alone, you can freely rotate the section with the ports on it. Because of the soft vibration damper/LED bar, there is some potential for wobbling if you do it this way and the pump must be oriented vertically. I have three pumps mounted this way and it isn't bad.

The section with the ports also has its own set of mounting holes. If you use these, then that section cannot rotate.

In the pic, both sets of mounting holes are used. This is a very secure mount, but with the limitation of not being able to move the ports.