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Linux question

Samstag, 4. September 2021, 19:19

Yes, I know Aquasuite doesn't run on Linux and I'm not making such a request. However, I do have a question.
I am running both an Octo (PWM fans) and two Farbwerks (aRGB) and configured everything in Windows. The aRGB configuration works perfectly under Linux since the Farbwerks retain their settings, but how do go around configuring the fan curves and have the Octo keep working under Linux? I mean, I know the settings are retained by the device, but how does the Octo know my temps to adjust PWM? Is there like a hardware header on my motherboard that I can connect to the Octo to get temp readings from the motherboard? Would I be better off with an Aquaero? Is there any way I can bypass Windows at all for anything besides initial configuration or am I stuck needing a virtual machine running at all times just for this?

RE: Linux question

Sonntag, 5. September 2021, 06:32

Yes, I know Aquasuite doesn't run on Linux and I'm not making such a request. However, I do have a question.
I am running both an Octo (PWM fans) and two Farbwerks (aRGB) and configured everything in Windows. The aRGB configuration works perfectly under Linux since the Farbwerks retain their settings, but how do go around configuring the fan curves and have the Octo keep working under Linux? I mean, I know the settings are retained by the device, but how does the Octo know my temps to adjust PWM? Is there like a hardware header on my motherboard that I can connect to the Octo to get temp readings from the motherboard? Would I be better off with an Aquaero? Is there any way I can bypass Windows at all for anything besides initial configuration or am I stuck needing a virtual machine running at all times just for this?

you have to connect Temp sensors directly to the devices. That's the only solution for working in an OS other then windows.

Sonntag, 5. September 2021, 09:41

By temp sensors you mean the ones that go in the loop? As in monitoring the coolant temp and setting the curves from there? I planned my loop all wrong and I have one sensor at the pump outlet and one after the first rad. What reading would be the most reliable to set my curves?
EDIT: I have those sensors connected to one of my two Farbwerks. Can I use their readings as the data source for the Octo?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »SweetSnots« (5. September 2021, 09:49)

Sonntag, 5. September 2021, 10:11

No, you can't, the USB connection does not work under Linux. Only sensors directly connected to the OCTO can be used for control under Linux.

It doesn't really matter which sensor you use to control the fans, the water temperature in your circuit differs very slightly.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

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