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Need help for my first water cooled build

Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021, 06:53

I have started to do some research for my first water cooled build, and I thought I knew what I wanted until I came across Aqua Computer. I love how you're able to monitor everything in you loop via Aquasuite, it really speaks to my inner geek, so now I want to go with Aqua Computer. I just don't know exactly what to buy, what would will suite my needs.

My plan is to build a single serial loop system cooling my CPU (Ryzen 5600x) and my GPU (ASUS TUF 3070-O8G-GAMING). I want to put in a 360 mm radiator (40 or 45 mm thick) and perhaps also an extra 140 mm radiator (not because I need it but because I can). To cool it all I want to use some Noctua NF-F12 PWM fans. I'm also thinking of installing a couple of water temp sensors on each side of the radiator (again not really because I need it but because I can), and perhaps also a flow meter (really like the flow sensor NEXT). The main reason for me to go the water cooling way, is because I want a silent computer.

So which pump should I go for? The D5 NEXT or one of the Aquastream models? I need a fan splitter so should I buy a Splitty9 Active, an QUADRO or OCTO fan controller, the Aquaero 6 LT (I really like sensors), or should I just go for simple wire splitter.

Hope you guys can help me, and thanks in advance :) :)


Senior Member

Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021, 10:44

for silent builds you should look at putting as many rads as your case can support (to an extent).
the 360 should be enough for a 3070, and the 5600x barely puts out any heat :) but the more heat exchange surface you have, the slower you'll be able to run your fans.

How many fans will you have?

Quadro and Octo are pretty sturdy, you can use wire splitters as long as you don't exceed the max power draw. From your description, it seems fine to use either of those. And since you don't need individual control over fans on the same rad, you should really use just one output for the 3 fans on the 360mm rad. But nothing wrong in having them all in discrete outputs, tied to the same fan curve.
So, Quadro can do the job, Octo will leave you more headroom and one additional RGB channel

Aquaero, can't say, never tried it :) but with water temp, and flow sensors, that's about all you need to monitor and get everything out of a cooling loop. It has hardware virtual sensors so that could be a big reason to get it.
It can run completely autonomously from Aquasuite.

Octo and Quadro need Aquasuite to run the virtual sensors, but can run autonomously directly off the sensors connected to them.

An example is if you want your fans to react to the difference between ambient temp and water temp (which is a virtual sensor), Aquaero can do it without aquasuite in the background. Octo/Quadro need Aquasuite.
If you only run the fans from water temperature (no calculations needed to get the control variable), both types of controllers can do it without Aquasuite.

Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021, 02:31


Thanks for your reply :)

How many fans will you have? - 3x120mm + 1x140mm for the rads, and another 2x120mm to push air through the case.

Can you recommend one pump over the other? And is there any major differences between the D5 Next and the Aquastream when it comes to control and sensors?
I want to put an inline temp sensor on each side of the rad. To do this will I then need the Aquaero or could I do it somehow with 2 Quadro's or Octo's


Senior Member

Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021, 11:47

quadro and Octo have 4 temp sensors inputs each so you have more than enough with just one controller. You could have one quadro with fan splitters, or all fans conected individually to an Octo already.

For the pumps, i can't speak for the D5 Next, i never used it :)
I personally prefer having everything connected to a single controller, so it keeps working in hardware mode from the one controller if aquasuite was to crash, but tbh, i never had that happen in 2 years using it, so it's a paranoid's concern :p

The D5 NEXT will have a temperature sensor embedded i think, but it may, or may not be useful depending on where the pump will be in the loop.

Montag, 20. Dezember 2021, 01:58

I have the D5 Next, which has both a temp sensor and flow meter.

I believe they're actually calculated based on certain other factors, but I also put two other dedicated temperature sensors at other points in my loop because I was certain it'd make a difference... All three readings have less than 0.1ºC variation between them, regardless of loads, which seemingly concurs with what people say about temperatures reaching an equilibrium throughout a loop.

Montag, 20. Dezember 2021, 14:42

Thanks for your replies.
It's much appreciated :)

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