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Designing my Layout: Advice Appreciated

Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021, 23:04

Hi all, I am finally planning my build. I would appreciate any advice you guys can give me in planning the system.

- The system will run a dual pump loop in series (2x D5 Dual Next)
- Three radiators, two with 6 PWM RGB fans each, one with 3 PWM RGB fans (EKWB Varder X3M Fans)
- Aqauero 6LT controller
- Hubby7 USB extender
- Splitty9 fan splitters x3
- Farbwerk360 lighitng controller

This diagram represents how I think it needs to all connect together but would greatly appreicate any advice, pointers, suggestions, point out errors, etc

I haven't shown ancillary elements such as CPU block RGB, Flow sensors, or similar, this diagram (for now) is only showing the main elements.

Thanks all :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »alexkyriak« (22. Dezember 2021, 23:11)

Freitag, 24. Dezember 2021, 11:55

aRGB is not my strong suit, but you will need something between the 360 and the fans to split the control signal (Splitty4 or Splitty12?)

Freitag, 7. Januar 2022, 18:17

Infoseeker, many thanks (and apologies for the delayed response!) The fans ARGB daisy chain together, so there is one cable per bank. so hopefully this should work!


Senior Member

Freitag, 7. Januar 2022, 20:46

you may need splitty 12 with some lighting presets. the vardar only have 9 leds each but on white for example, i shut down the Farbwerk360 output in overcurrent protection with 9 fans.
with 6 fans per channel, it's worth trying just to be sure you have headroom. (if it shuts down, Aquasuite tells you it has been turned off. rebooting the computer restores it)

Samstag, 8. Januar 2022, 11:03

Thanks Remayz, v useful to know. Of the banks of 6, I’ll mostly likely only light the 3 fans facing into the case. The other 3 per bank (push/pull configuration on these rads) are facing away from view.