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Junior Member

Watercooling setup advices

Sonntag, 2. Januar 2022, 18:10


I am looking for an expert to help me validate this setup.
It's my first watercooling, I would like to be sure not to make any mistake.

My case is a Thermaltake Level 20 HT, on which I would like to mount two pump/reservoir combos (for the esthetic :) ).
And I have several questions, about the watercooling first, but also about the aquacomputer products, whose connectivity is not very obvious :rolleyes: .

Here is a diagram of what I would like to achieve, that I tried to simplify :


And finally some questions :
1- I crossed the pump outputs, so I have one loop instead of two separate ones. The two sides will probably not offer the same resistance to the flow, is there a risk to see one reservoir emptying and the other one overflowing?
2- A single loop allows me to put only one flow sensor. I put this flow sensor to have an alarm that will turn off the motherboard. But, just thinking, if there is a flow problem, then the temperature will rise, so the alarm could be triggered based on temp, and without any flow sensor. What do you think about it ?
3- I put two Splitty9. I haven't bought the fans yet, I don't know their final consumption. One channel of the Quadro provides 25W, so if my fans consume more, I may need four Splitty4 to spread the watts on 2 channels of each Quadro. Correct ?
4- I put two Quadro. Would I have anything to gain by putting an Aero 6 instead?
5- For the leds, I was thinking of connecting everything to the aRGB connector of my motherboard (It supports 120 leds max, that should be enough). If not, should I rely on a Farbwerk device? How to wire it?
6- Each Quadro controls the PWM of one pump and six fans, via one Splitter9 (or two Splitter4, see question 4). So I would have 2 (or 3) channels occupied. Correct?
7- more globally, do you see a problem with this setup? Any better idea?

Thanks in advance for your help.
And happy new year to all !

Montag, 3. Januar 2022, 11:02

But, just thinking, if there is a flow problem, then the temperature will rise, so the alarm could be triggered based on temp, and without any flow sensor. What do you think about it ?
The temperature only rises locally on the cpu/gpu. Without Flow, the hot water is not transported to the Temperature Sensor, so the sensor does not detect the rise in temperature.

7- more globally, do you see a problem with this setup? Any better idea?
You cannot connect the D5 Pumps to your Motherboard ARGB Header. The D5 Next Pumps must be connected to the Mainboard with USB, and you have to use the Aquasuite Software to change the RGB Lighting effects. If you dont have enough free internal USB Ports, you can buy a Hubby7.

4- I put two Quadro.
Why dont you use a single OCTO instead?


5- For the leds, I was thinking of connecting everything to the aRGB connector of my motherboard (It supports 120 leds max, that should be enough). If not, should I rely on a Farbwerk device? How to wire it?
Why dont you use the RGBpx Controls of the Quadro/OCTO for your RGB Lighting?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hufeisen« (3. Januar 2022, 11:05)

Montag, 3. Januar 2022, 13:02

There is no reason to cross connect the two pumps, the temperature differences in a water cooling circuit are marginal and the order of the components in the circuit is not relevant.
Apart from a more complicated structure of the circuit, this brings nothing.
Just route the tubing the way it is easiest and/or nicest.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder


Senior Member

RE : Watercooling setup advices

Montag, 3. Januar 2022, 13:13

1- I crossed the pump outputs, so I have one loop instead of two separate ones. The two sides will probably not offer the same resistance to the flow, is there a risk to see one reservoir emptying and the other one overflowing?
Yes, but only if the reservoirs aren't sealed. That air on top has to go somewhere :)

2- A single loop allows me to put only one flow sensor. I put this flow sensor to have an alarm that will turn off the motherboard. But, just thinking, if there is a flow problem, then the temperature will rise, so the alarm could be triggered based on temp, and without any flow sensor. What do you think about it ?

Not really needed.. the pumps have a minimum speed they can't go below. if the pump fails, your components will thermal throttle and safely shut down before the water becomes that hot (no flow). And the possibility that a D5 pump fails, let alone two of them is pretty slim. You are working on solving an extremely rare fault.
3- I put two Splitty9. I haven't bought the fans yet, I don't know their final consumption. One channel of the Quadro provides 25W, so if my fans consume more, I may need four Splitty4 to spread the watts on 2 channels of each Quadro. Correct ?
Fans don't use that much power. you could run everything off a Quadro. If you want to play it on the safe side, either use active Splitty9, or go to an Octo

5- For the leds, I was thinking of connecting everything to the aRGB connector of my motherboard (It supports 120 leds max, that should be enough). If not, should I rely on a Farbwerk device? How to wire it?
You have no individual control on the LEDs on motherboard headers. You'll be better off using the Quadro/Octo headers to make fancier effects since you have them. The Octo has two headers, that's 2x 90 LEDs

6- Each Quadro controls the PWM of one pump and six fans, via one Splitter9 (or two Splitter4, see question 4). So I would have 2 (or 3) channels occupied. Correct?
You don't want to control the pump speed along the fan speed. Better keep it individual, besides the NEXT pump is made to be controlled on its own through USB.
7- more globally, do you see a problem with this setup? Any better idea?
Maybe... use a single pump? it's much simpler and it has more than enough headroom to cool your setup. Double pumps is mostly good for very busy setups with a lot more rads, or very restrictive loops.. or jst for the looks.
In your case it's absolutely not needed :)


Junior Member

Montag, 3. Januar 2022, 22:23


Thank you for all your answers, I can now see almost as clearly as through clear coolant :D
Without Flow, the hot water is not transported to the Temperature Sensor, so the sensor does not detect the rise in temperature.
Oh shame! I didn't even think of that! :thumbsup:
Oh wait, no, I was thinking of using the CPU temperature, not the water temperature! (yes, I'm of bad faith :rolleyes: )
You cannot connect the D5 Pumps to your Motherboard ARGB Header.
Sorry for my confusing diagram. Only the LED ring is connected to the motherboard. The PWM pump motor is connected to the Quadro.
Why dont you use a single OCTO instead?
You are right. In fact, it's a relic of my previous diagram version, where I had two independent loops, and I had just made a copy/paste left/right, and with two flow sensors, and thus two quadros (Octo has only one flow connector).
Why dont you use the RGBpx Controls of the Quadro/OCTO for your RGB Lighting?
Same, this is a relic of my very first diagram where I tried to use only the motherboard... But I quickly realized that it was not enough :( , and little by little I added AquaComputer devices :). And the aRGB connections stayed as they were. You're right, I would rather put everything on the Quadro/Octo.
There is no reason to cross connect the two pumps...
the only reason I could see was to save the price of one flow sensor :).
However, your remark raises a question: on my simplified diagram, I only drew 2 water blocks. But in reality I'll have 4: GPU, GPU backplate, CPU and RAM.
:?: In case of one loop, would the resistance of these 4 waterblocks then justify having two pumps?
That air on top has to go somewhere
Well that's enough, I've already had enough shame :)
But your comment raises a question for me:
I've seen vent plugs like this : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/32855387044.html
So I thought that the circuit must not be hermetic...
:?: Does it have to be? What am I not understanding?
Fans don't use that much power. you could run everything off a Quadro. If you want to play it on the safe side, either use active Splitty9, or go to an Octo
You have no individual control on the LEDs on motherboard headers. You'll be better off using the Quadro/Octo headers to make fancier effects since you have them. The Octo has two headers, that's 2x 90 LEDs
Yes, as I said it is a remnant of an old diagram. You're right, I would rather put everything on the Octo.
You don't want to control the pump speed along the fan speed. Better keep it individual, besides the NEXT pump is made to be controlled on its own through USB.
Are you saying that on the Quadro, the pump and fan control are not separate?
I thought I could connect the pump PWM on one channel and the fans PWMs on another channel... And control the pump/fan speeds independently, using AquaSuite.
:?: Did I understand correctly?
On the other hand, I didn't want to use the D5 NEXT with its screen. I plan to use a real screen + Aida64 for monitoring. That's why I'm talking about a simple D5 PWM pump.
Also I have seen several posts saying that PWM on the pump is not very useful, that most of the temperature is controlled by the fans, and that the pump flow has little effect on the temperature.
If this is true, then I can even go for a D5 without PWM, set the speed by its potentiometer and forget about it.
:?: What do you think about this?
Maybe... use a single pump?
Like I said, I'm actually going to have 4 waterblocks. I'm interested in what you're saying, if I can save a pump, I'd like that ;) .
Although I have a problem with aesthetics, my case requires some symmetry. Well I can make a fake pump out of wood, just to make the symmetry :), It is feasible for a basic D5, but it would be really complicated to make a fake D5 Next :D

Anyway, sorry for this huge post :)
Thanks a lot for all your comments, much appreciated.



Senior Member

Montag, 3. Januar 2022, 23:22

the active backplate is usually very low restriction. RAM is even easier since they usually don't even have fins at all.. consider that block to be a pipe ;)

A single pump will be more than adequate. (i run a GPU + active backplate, CPU, 3 rads, tons of 90° fittings and still manage over 200L/h with the pump at full speed.. giving me the same temps i have at 120).

For the pump and fans control, i understood you the other way. I thought you were going to have the same control for pump and fans, but as you say, of course it's better to have them separate!

I'd still go with a PWM pump even if you run it on fixed speed. Easier to adjust the speed from aquasuite than open the case and try to wiggle a screwdriver under the motor.
It's true flow has very little impact on temperature, up to a point. With high power GPUs, flow start to matter. On the 3090, there's not much benefit in going over 100 - 120L/h. But if you want to run the pump slow for silence at idle, you may want to create a speed curve for the pump, so you have enough flow when loading the GPU.

But again, you may as well just leave it at a moderate speed and leave it there, it will be perfectly fine.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 4. Januar 2022, 01:06

Two excellent observations for the screwdriver and the speed curve! :)
So I'm going to try a single loop with a single PWM pump. I'll have to go to the wood lathe to make a fake 2nd pump. I like the idea :D


Senior Member

Dienstag, 4. Januar 2022, 12:58

with a real acrylic tube reservoir on top, some blue gravel, a plastic plant, a bubbler and a little fish ^^


Junior Member

Dienstag, 4. Januar 2022, 19:01

when I look at my case , I think it looks more like an aquarium than a PC :)


Junior Member

Freitag, 14. Januar 2022, 00:56


I just received some products from aqua computer: Ultitubes, Pumps, Quadros, ...
I just wanted to say that I was impressed by the quality of these materials. Really satisfying.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those who have helped me here on my various posts.

Best regards and Happy New Year!