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Dienstag, 11. Januar 2022, 16:43

I have 2 D5 NEXT pumps. both running RGBPX with 5 PRISMATIC fans each
everything was working. voltage, watt was in green zone by aquasuite and so on and was working yesterday.
today the right pump wont light up my fans.
The other pump and motherboard will light up fans with no problem. every single one of them all.

I have tried taking the cable from the left pump and using that one in the "not working one / right pump". still nothing. and i have also tried using the right pumps cable in the left "working one" and it works fine. so its not the fans or the cable. it is form the pump it self.
I have RGBPX turned ON in settings. ON BOTH PUMPS

But still no light.

What is going on. everything has working fine until today.

Im using a 1200w platinium Thermaltake PSU. so no problem there, almost brand new.

please help.
Anders "Denmark"

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »A.Olesen« (11. Januar 2022, 16:44)

Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2022, 14:24

I had the same problem a week or two ago. Everything has been working fine for almost 1 year, then one day the D5 NEXT RGB didn't start with the PC. Pump was working fine, RGBpx just wasn't working.

I tried different cables, rebooting, full power off, no success.

Then 24 hours later it started working again, no explanation.

I contacted support when it first failed, but since it started working again I had to suggest I'd keep an eye on it and let them know if it happened again.

Freitag, 14. Januar 2022, 22:32

I had the same problem today but it only lasted about an hour and came across this thread trying to solve the problem...

add me to the list...

Samstag, 15. Januar 2022, 18:49

Sounds like maybe there is a bug in the D5 Next RGBpx firmware or maybe in AQS. Hopefully someone from Aquacomputer will chime in here about this. My experience has been that they are pretty good at fixing bugs once you convince them that it is a bug and not user error. I have found several obscure bugs in AQS. Once I was able to replicate the problems, and more importantly, they were able to replicate the problems, they fixed them in the next release of AQS. This sounds like a problem that comes and goes. I have had those too. I import data from HWINFO through shared memory support. I have had certain sensors just stop reporting in AQS. The author of HWINFO gave me a utility that shows what the shared memory is reporting. The sensors that stop reporting show up normally in the shared memory viewer utility but not in AQS. I have to select the item, then Change Data Source, then reselect the sensor value that dropped out. Then they work again. This only happens now and then. I also spent 2 weeks fighting with auto-load of an overview panel. I would select an overview panel to auto-load and it just would not work. I could see the panel ID being updated in the config XML file but the overview panel would not auto-load when AQS starts. I tried everything I could think of to fix it and got nowhere. Then a few days ago it just started working again even though I had not changed anything.

These are tough bugs to prove to Aquacomputer because they are not consistent. What you guys are seeing sounds similar. If you can figure out how to reproduce the problem consistently, then post your setup and procedure here, if they see it they will (hopefully) try to replicate the problem. If they do, they will fix it. Good luck!

Mittwoch, 3. April 2024, 22:00

Rainbow RGBpx stopped working after ~30 minutes.
D5 Next pump has 4 profiles set as follow:

  1. Sound Flash (4 lights patterns with blackout)
  2. Sound Flash (without L + R audio source)
  3. Rainbow
  4. Lights off.

When I listen to music, both Sound Flash profiles flashes according to music played. This last throughout the day yesterday. Nothing unusual there. When I selected profile 3, all LEDs have rainbow patterns. Went to take lunch and came back, all LEDs off. Switched back to profile 1 and 2 but only lights that are linked to highflow NEXT works. D5 Next RGBpx still off.

Has anyone observed such behavior in their setup?