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Junior Member

LeakShield setup question. Calculating volume of dual res loop?

Tuesday, February 15th 2022, 3:12am

I have a dual reservoir system setup as follows in order of connection.

EKWB X3 250mm reservoir (LeakShild connected to top)
EKWB X3 D5 with 250mm reservoir
High Flow NEXT
GPU water block
CPU water block
Temp Sensor connected to High Flow NEXT
240mm Radiator
360mm Radiator

Note 250mm is total length of the reservoir. Inside diameter is 50mm. I figure water volume based on 230mm height, 50mm diameter so 451.6 ml.

I fill it up to about 10mm below the end if the visible area so I figure about 45mm from absolute top. So about 88.4 ml (19.6%) of air.

So when I'm filling in the reservoir values for LeakShield do I enter the values for 1 or both reservoirs?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "z00mantwo" (Feb 15th 2022, 3:14am)


Senior Member

Tuesday, February 15th 2022, 5:30pm

The Leakshield has several problems with two reservoirs.
If air is pumped out of only one reservoir, the air in the other reservoir will expand, increasing the fill level of the reservoir with the Leakshield, and decreasing the fill level in the other reservoir.
Over time (or in case of a Coolant Leak), the Reservoir with the Leakshield will fill up completely, until the Coolant reaches the Leakshield membrane and prevent it from pumping.

It is recommended to connect the Leakshield to both reservoirs at the same time using a T-shaped Fitting,
Or remove one Reservoir from the loop.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Hufeisen" (Feb 15th 2022, 5:33pm)

Monday, June 27th 2022, 4:03am

If the second reservoir is part of an external rad setup, I assume the same applies? I DIY'd an external rad setup with a small res and now that I have leakshield I wonder if it would be better to get rid of the res on it.

Thank you
The Leakshield has several problems with two reservoirs.
If air is pumped out of only one reservoir, the air in the other reservoir will expand, increasing the fill level of the reservoir with the Leakshield, and decreasing the fill level in the other reservoir.
Over time (or in case of a Coolant Leak), the Reservoir with the Leakshield will fill up completely, until the Coolant reaches the Leakshield membrane and prevent it from pumping.

It is recommended to connect the Leakshield to both reservoirs at the same time using a T-shaped Fitting,
Or remove one Reservoir from the loop.