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Leakshield not releasing pressure quickly since Aquasuite X.50

Sonntag, 6. März 2022, 16:47

Today I noticed that when changing my Leakshield to "release" mode, the pressure goes down extremely slow. It takes almost 2 minutes for the negative pressure to go down to 0 mbar. When I got my Leakshield a couple of months ago, releasing the pressure happened in just a few seconds. Switching it back to "protect" mode does increase negative pressure as fast as before so it's only releasing that has this issue.

I'm wondering if it's a firmware issue since just last night I installed Aquasuite X.50 which also update the firmware of all my Aquacomputer devices, Leakshield included.

Any idea what's going on?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DarwinTheCat« (6. März 2022, 16:52)


Junior Member

Dienstag, 8. März 2022, 23:11

Could be just a simple coincidence that is not releasing properly with the X50 version.

I had similar problem after 7 months of Leakshield, one day I just realised that my Leakshield is releasing the pressure very very slow, as you said, took like 2 min to do it.

To fix the problem I cleaned the membrane of the Leakshield with some alcohol, just use a piece of material and alcohol and easily clean the membrane, after that the Leakshield was working as new.

Mittwoch, 9. März 2022, 15:05

This is not an issue with the firmware. Could be your membrange is clocked, so you can carefully try to clean with isopropanol.
Which coolant and tubes are you using?