• 25.09.2024, 06:53
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Leakshield 'System Error Fill Level Low' alarm keeps triggering when operating leakshield from USB Power bank

Sonntag, 17. Juli 2022, 16:07


I am doing maintenance on my computer by cleaning blocks and running Mayhem Blitz through the loop. The computer is turned off so I am operating Leakshield from a USB power bank instead of from the software. I keep getting the alarm shown in the picture, and I'm not sure how to dismiss it or stop it from triggering. The only solution I have is to disconnect the Leakshield from power, but I'd like to use it while running Mayhem Blitz pt 2 solution through the loop for cleaning. What can I do to make the error go away while not connected to the aquacomputer software? Thanks.

RE: Leakshield 'System Error Fill Level Low' alarm keeps triggering when operating leakshield from USB Power bank

Montag, 18. Juli 2022, 14:54


I am doing maintenance on my computer by cleaning blocks and running Mayhem Blitz through the loop. The computer is turned off so I am operating Leakshield from a USB power bank instead of from the software. I keep getting the alarm shown in the picture, and I'm not sure how to dismiss it or stop it from triggering. The only solution I have is to disconnect the Leakshield from power, but I'd like to use it while running Mayhem Blitz pt 2 solution through the loop for cleaning. What can I do to make the error go away while not connected to the aquacomputer software? Thanks.

gaffer tape over the screen ?



Montag, 18. Juli 2022, 15:53

I ended up just not using the Leakshield when I did my PC maintenance. When I connected the Leakshield back to my PSU power and was able to use the aquacomputer software, I was able to able stop the alarms. The lesson I learned is to disable alarms when I want to drain/clean loop for maintenance and run Leakshield from a USB power bank. It makes sense why I got a fill level error (because I had drained the loop), but it's annoying that I can't dismiss the alarm from the Leakshield itself rather than using the aquacomputer software.