• 07.06.2024, 03:19
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Sonntag, 14. Januar 2024, 18:49

Logic worked!

Far left in the middle of the banner is where the uptime logic applied:
»aquaman2030« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • Screenshot 2024-01-14 094838.png

Sonntag, 14. Januar 2024, 19:56

I reuse the same diagram for Days Hours and Minutes since they're inter-related. The portion that you highlighted is for Minutes and for that 'sensor' there would be a blue output box for that value. Same for Days 'sensor'
Now I think I get it. You have 1 output for days, 1 for hours, and 1 for minutes, – is this correct? Congratulations on getting it working.

Sonntag, 14. Januar 2024, 20:35

Precisely. There's a MouseOver effect whereby when I hover my mouse over the values, they become 'magnified' but haven't been able to get that effect to work when in Desktop mode. Need to figure out where the disconnect is.
Initially, I had the 'Rolodex' effect in mind but couldn't have the three values stacked in a panel since they're listening on different sensors.

My contribution to humanity...

Mittwoch, 20. März 2024, 20:52

Updated dashboard on new system with pump impellers animation.


Full Member

Donnerstag, 21. März 2024, 06:41

Are your two pumps making loud noises?
There is an imbalance in the animation... :)

I had also integrated the animation of the pump and fan in my overview screen - but that led to a very high system load, so I deleted it again

Donnerstag, 21. März 2024, 21:48

Very keen observation!

When I was making the PNG file, I didn't spend the time to make it a perfect square so the effect is off center.
In practice, the pumps operation is very smooth and quiet. I'm a happy camper there.

Pertaining to resource utilization, aquasuite.exe is taking up 1.3% CPU (of one core) and 191.7MB. I'm okay with that.

What tool are you using to monitor resource utilization?

Freitag, 22. März 2024, 02:37

What tool are you using to monitor resource utilization?
I suspect that PvF is referring to GPU load. I have observed that a complex overview page can put significant load on the GPU. When I messed around with animated fan blades it was worse.


Full Member

Freitag, 22. März 2024, 06:59

Very keen observation!
Ha ha, I just knew what to look for, because in the template for the rotating fan from aquasuite (e.g. from the "aquaduct" overview page) the pivot point of the *.png is also shifted 1-2 pixels off center.
I can't stand something like that :)

When I added the animation for all fans and the pump (and the correct pivot point), the rotation didn't seem smooth to me.
The CPU load in the task manager increased to 6-7% for aquasuite and is now at 1% without the animations (5950X).
It wasn't worth it for me.

Freitag, 22. März 2024, 17:24

If you decrease the "Duration" value, the fan blades will spin faster and increasing its value will have the opposite effect.

When I was doing protein folding (BOINC projects), I'd like to squeeze every ounce of performance out of my systems too. These days just light gaming and listening to musics. Hence, my obsession with RGBpx functions/features.
@Speedy-VI was right, I checked Task Manager again, these animations takes an additional ~12% GPU utilization.

Samstag, 23. März 2024, 01:25

If you decrease the "Duration" value, the fan blades will spin faster and increasing its value will have the opposite effect.

When I was doing protein folding (BOINC projects), I'd like to squeeze every ounce of performance out of my systems too. These days just light gaming and listening to musics. Hence, my obsession with RGBpx functions/features.
@Speedy-VI was right, I checked Task Manager again, these animations takes an additional ~12% GPU utilization.
Well I was partially right. The animations definitely increase GPU load, and IMHO they should not, or at least not as much as they do. I don't understand why a little spinning fan can put that much load on a GPU. The part I was not right about is assuming PvF was referring to GPU load. He was referring to CPU load, so they both go up, but I think the impact is larger on the GPU.

I also played around with the blade rotation speed, and I think the direction. It was a while ago, and I also decided not to leave them in due to the increased GPU load.