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Aqausuite utilisation

Freitag, 2. September 2022, 23:26

Hi all, quick quesiton on the amount of utilisation the aquasuite page displays generate. How much do they effect the utilisation rate of the CPU and system? And a slightly OCD question: if I have several pages in the app, do they all generate utilisaiton, or only the one page that's currently selected? Are all these pages still working away in the background?

Thanks :)

Samstag, 3. September 2022, 13:15

Running the Task Manager should give you a utilization indication.
I believe only the active display page is processed.


Senior Member

Samstag, 3. September 2022, 17:20

... and if you only use one main monitoring page, you can delete the ones created automatically for each device too.
You can re-generate those in aquasuite settings should you have a need for them.
It's actually a good idea to create one single monitoring page, just to remove the clutter when you have several devices plugged in

Samstag, 3. September 2022, 19:22

Thanks InfoSeeker and Remayz. Yes was planning to delete the standard ones and go to a single page, ultimately, but I am currently trying to refine my monitoring page, and I like to keep a few iterations or different tests present on different pages whilst I develop it. Good to know it’s not a cumulative effect on utilisation from multiple pages. Who knows my monitoring page might make an appearance on the Show My Dashboard thread soon!

Samstag, 3. September 2022, 22:13

I have several Overview Pages that I use. One for overall system stats, and another that is GPU based. I have versions of these pages with item coordinates set to place the pages on my 2 internal stat displays, which in the Windows raster are located far from coordinate [0,0]. If I want to look at these pages on my desktop, I have to scroll way over to get to them. To get around this, I made copies of these pages but with starting coordinate [0,0]. This way I can view the pages on my stat displays and also view them on my main display without having to scroll way over to see them. Works great. I also have a few test pages where I do my experiments with XAML code and graphs. I have not noticed that having all of these pages puts more load on the CPU.

I have noticed that having AQS running consistently adds about 10ns to my memory latency. I discovered this while overclocking my RAM. I could not figure out why I was getting ~70ns of latency in the AIDA64 Cache & Memory Benchmark when others with similar setups were getting ~55ns. By process of elimination I discovered that ~5ns was due to various things running in the background, but the big one was AQS. Terminating AQS and its service lowered latency by ~10ns. I did some Googling and discovered that others have also noticed this. I don't know why AQS adds 10ns of memory latency, or if it depends on how AQS is set up. I consider AQS to be a "critical" program (along with HWINFO), so I just live with the 10ns of additional latency.