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Senior Member

Vision scrolling madness

Samstag, 17. September 2022, 17:03

Hey there,

I'm having a problem with the display on my Vision unit. Sometimes, randomly, the screen will scroll through pages at a fast pace without any way to stop it.
Communication to Aquasuite is still fine, i can tweak everything, it saves and communicate without problem. That led me to believe maybe it was a touch button issue. I reduced the sensitivity from 10 to 6, but it still happens.
Maybe a dirty screen.. cleaned it with window cleaner, it's now spotless but still happens.
The only way to make it stop is to unplug the USB, and plug it back in.

On a side note, sometimes, it's impossible to scroll using the touch buttons. Only changing screen within Aquasuite will work. Again, unplugging/plugging back in solves it.

Here's a little video to show what it does :

Any idea what it might be?

This happens on powered USB hubs, or plugged straight to the motherboard USB

Samstag, 17. September 2022, 17:49

I suspect a defect in the touch button or the circuit board.
The best thing to do is to contact support.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder


Senior Member

Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2022, 20:10

Some feedback on the issue in case it can help others.

I'm having the unit replaced, but mostly because of losing touch functionality i believe.

I finally found why the Vision was scrolling randomly. It was due to a noisy USB connection.
The cable was plugged to the same powered USB hub that has my Logitech powerplay charging mat.

I noticed when playing guitar through my USB interface that i was getting an annoying pulse twice a second.. Turns out it's the mat sending a pulse to detect if the mouse is still on it. and that thing creates electrical noise in the whole hub.
Finding that out solved my recording issues :p but also the vision ones.
When plugging the cable to my other hub (no noisy pops on the USB ground) the scrolling never came back.

I also noticed that i was getting scrolling when wiggling the USB plug gently while on the other hub. Any scratching on the contacts = scroling..

I have no idea if that's what half killed the touch screen (very likely!) but that's all i could find out.

So, if someone got the screen changing pages from time to time.. check the USB connexion isn't loosy goosy first :p

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022, 04:11

That's a strange one. Congrats on figuring it out. I would not have suspected noise on the USB data lines or maybe ground. I would think about isolating that charging mat. Maybe get something like THIS


Senior Member

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022, 09:57

if it was on the signal line, i would have constant disconnects. those are pretty audible pops on my interface, not just a few microseconds spike. so it has to be ground. Can't isolate that ^^ and i need more current than 200mA too.

But it's solved now, that one hub only has the mouse and keyboard and a couple of usb charging cables

Still need to disable wireless charging when recording though, that thing is an EMI nightmare


Senior Member

Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2022, 20:47

Final word on this. It wasn't totally over. the new Vision had scrolling issues again. And i had some weird keyboard RGB flicker on rare occasions.. getting my HOTAS back in action was even worse.. some buttons were pushed at random, and all that was simply due to bad contacts on the USB plugs and sockets.
I had to buy a can of contact cleaner and i blasted the whole hub and every plug. Now, everything has been working perfectly.
Really stupid problem causing a lot of mayhem, but fortunately, easily resolved once you know what it is!
And that explain why the Vision worked like crap no matter where i plugged it, hub, other hub, PC.. the plug itself wasn't conducting properly.

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