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Seems like a high VCC Voltage in aquasuite

Dienstag, 27. September 2022, 16:07

Just noticed since updating to X.58 aquasuite that my VCC Voltage goes from like 12.1-12.5V almost instantaniously,should this be something that i should be concerned about,im not saying that aquasuite is the issue here,what i am saying is it an underlying problem that i could have starting with my hardware etc.
I would say that the voltage moves about between 12.1&12.5V quite quickly as in kind of jumping about if that makes any sense,it doesnt seem to stay at the one voltage all the time but jumps about.
My system is only about 6 months old so all components in the system are brand new.
Is this something that aquasuite has picked up on that i should be looking more closely at.

It seems to happen say when i have been watching youtube for 5-10 minutes.just as an example.
I am also using windows 11 as well.

Hopefully someone can shed a bit of light on the situation here on what is going on and also if it could be of concern.
Thank you
»GMdoghunter« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • x.58 screen.gif

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »GMdoghunter« (27. September 2022, 23:25)

Mr Gerard M Stadalius

Found the issue/Issue resolved

Dienstag, 27. September 2022, 23:29

The issue that was causing the strange voltage behaviour was strangely enough Bitdefender Total Security,after reading through many forums regarding this,it seems that bitdefender knows about the issue of high cpu usage,a bug that has existed for a couple of years in fact with no resolution.
After removing the software etc the issue has definitely gone,thank goodness for that.
I honestly cant do without aquasuite for my system.
In fact i wouldnt use anything else anyway.


Just glad i found out what was causing the issues.
Mr Gerard M Stadalius

Mittwoch, 28. September 2022, 11:43

Should we assume the VCC issue was there prior to the X58 update, just unnoticed?

VCC Voltage and aquasuite

Mittwoch, 28. September 2022, 15:33

Issue without a doubt wasnt there before updating to version X.58 aquasuite version X.58 made it more noticable yes,thank goodness it did,i honestly dont know what i would do without aquasuite,came from the corsair ecosystem,changed everything over to aquasuite,cost an absolute fortune to do it all,but my it was definitely worth it.
Never would i go back to anything else,aquasuite is just way above in another league when it comes to system monitoring.

Glad i found out what the issue was though,up to now everything is going well with no strange fluctuations in my VCC Voltage.
Bitdefender was definitely the culprit here,they also know about the issue it has been ongoing from what i have read for about 2 or more years causing High CPU Usage especially the service executable in bitdefender.

From what i have gathered is bitdefender was basically putting more stress on the CPU Hence the drawing more power giving fluctuations in the VCC Voltage.
Please correct me if my theory is wrong here as i would like to understand a bit more about this.
Thank you for your reply as well.
Every bit helps here.
Just thank goodness aquasuite picked up on this it definitely saved my day.
Mr Gerard M Stadalius

Mittwoch, 28. September 2022, 15:47

This value is measured directly by the device.
No other software can influence this.
If your power supply does not work properly under some load conditions, this may be the case. Especially if it is very oversized. If you have a 1000W power supply and only a low system load, many (even expensive) power supplies do not handle this properly.
Otherwise, only measuring with a proper measuring device helps.

Thank you all

Mittwoch, 28. September 2022, 15:57

Thank you Sebastian for giving me more information on this topic.
Strangely enough i have an asus ROG THOR PLATINUM 850W power supply in my tower.
Which as we all know is quite an expensive power supply.
Under load i have only noticed as the power supply has a display on it,i have only noticed it drawing about 300-375W in total.

Good to know but that this isnt software related as i was initially thinking it was.
So it is an actual power supply based thing going on here.

It would seem that my power supply isnt handling the low load as well as it should.

I have seen that aquasuite can also measure your power supply in watts in total,but i cant seem to find how to do this i am using octo controllers for all of my fans etc,is it possible to setup a sensor to show my total power so i can also see that in aquasuite,could you even advise me on how to do this as it would be really helpful to see it in aquasuite also.Can this be done with an Octo controller and aquasuite.Thank you.

Thank you most kindly for all of your advice,from everyone involved in this topic.
It really means a lot.
Thank you .

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »GMdoghunter« (28. September 2022, 16:02)

Mr Gerard M Stadalius

Donnerstag, 29. September 2022, 00:24

I don't know what you read about Bitdefender. Maybe it is poorly coded and puts an excessive load on the CPU but this should not be causing fluctuations in your DC power rails.

As for reporting sensor data from your power supply, the Octo does report a value for VCC but I think that is measured at the Octo, not from the PSU directly. I think it is only possible to measure PSU data directly if your power supply has a USB port on it. I looked up the Asus ROG THOR PLATINUM. I did not see any mention of a USB port. It does have an AURA RGB connector on it but that's it. It has a built in OLED display but I don't see any way to get that data out of the PSU. That is one of the reasons I did not buy one. I wanted a PSU with a USB port and there are not a lot of options out there.

I know Corsair still makes 1 or 2 models with a Corsair "Link" port (which is USB), but they have discontinued most models with this feature. I bought a Thermaltake Toughpower iRGB PLUS 850W Gold PSU that has a USB port. I can monitor PSU status but only via data being imported via Shared Memory from HWINFO. I don't normally use Aquasuite's direct hardware monitoring (since HWINFO does a better job, reports far more data, and is constantly updated). The Aquasuite direct hardware monitoring section does have a checkbox for Power Supplies. I checked it but it did not seem to do anything. No power supply data appeared. I suspect Aquasuite cannot monitor my Thermaltake PSU directly via USB because they probably have not bothered to figure out the protocols to do so. HWINFO can monitor my power supply so I just bring the data in from there. I don't know which power supplies Aquasuite can directly monitor. The Octo has nothing to do with this.


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2022, 09:02


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »red-ray« (5. Oktober 2022, 13:33)


Senior Member

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2022, 10:31

corsair recently released 3 new HXi PSUs with monitoring to replace the old HXi line. so... that's that too.

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