• 25.09.2024, 06:56
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Leakshield constantly adjusting the MBAR

Donnerstag, 3. November 2022, 17:02

My leakshield seems to think there is a leak. I have deaerated the system, tested the fill level, and tried filling the tube up more, but don't want to add too much coolant to the system so there is enough air to maintain the negative pressure. The ULTITUBE 200 is about half full. I have flexible hosing (that seems to be getting squeezed due tot he vacuum the system creates), so keep the system on monitor instead of active. Can anyone assist and tell me how to fix the alarm going off all the time?
Here is a SS of the leakshield. Please let me know what other info may help in troubleshooting.


Donnerstag, 3. November 2022, 19:41

Losing 15mbar in only 2 minutes is way too much.
Can you see any air bubbles in your tubes that are generated when the leakshield increases the pressure?
If not, then the Problem may be between the Leakshield and the Ultitube. Please remove the Leakshield from the Ultitube and check if the rubber seal is correctly installed.

Freitag, 4. November 2022, 13:59

probably a stupid question but what way up should the gasket go- should it be flat side up or flat side down