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Junior Member

[RESOLVED]Not working - aqua computer ULTITUBE D5 100 with D5 PWM Pumpe

Dienstag, 8. November 2022, 11:51

I struggle to get this pump working since two days now and trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

The pump comes with two cables, a molex directly connected to my alim and the PWM cable connected my MB pin CPU_FAN.

(My alim is a Corsair 850 RMX)

Usermanual provided is totally useless as it is for D5 next pump...

Any help/advise would be appreciate.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »redlion« (23. November 2022, 15:38)

Dienstag, 8. November 2022, 18:57

We need some infos to help you.

- What's exactly the problem?
- Is the pump running?
- Any noise you can hear from the pump?
- If you remove the PWM cable: Does the pump spin?


Junior Member

Dienstag, 15. November 2022, 09:21

- What's exactly the problem?
I'm unable to get the pump working by connecting it using the molex directly to my PSU SATA/PATA port.

- Is the pump running?
Yes, I get it working by connecting it to another PSU (Homemade) who can deliver 12v.

- Any noise you can hear from the pump?
Nothing to report

- If you remove the PWM cable: Does the pump spin?

It's seems that the problem comes from the alim, my 850RMx like all others PSU can only deliver 5v on SATE/PATA port.
This pump need more, so the question here is what people use for alimentation. Can I still use my PSU or not?

For the moment I managed to finish my watercooling and get it working by connecting the pump to an external PSU, but this is not a clean mount.



Senior Member

Dienstag, 15. November 2022, 10:53

your PSU does deliver 12V on the molex port (5V on one side, two grounds in the middle and 12V on the other side.
If you don't have 12V, it means either your cable is damaged, or you may be using a modular cable from another manufacturer/PSU that has a different pinout.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 15. November 2022, 14:18

I plug the molex cable to my modular cable then to the "peripheral & SATA" entry on my PSU, left ports on the image here below.

I assume that this port deliver only 5v and not 12v, am I right? I'm not sure that this cable should go to another PSU entry.
The modular cable is OK because I'm using it with the external PSU + I've tested it.


Senior Member

Dienstag, 15. November 2022, 17:24

that cable is from a corsair PSU too?

the Peripheral + SATA connector provides ground, 3.3V(only on SATA), 5V and 12V

Dienstag, 15. November 2022, 17:43

You need both, 12V and 5V to power the pump. Maybe you have an Voltmeter to check your cable and the PSU output if it delivers these voltages.
This should be available at any SATA port - even at Corsair PSUs.

Are you trying to run the pump without other devices connected to the PSU? This could be an issue as the consumed power is maybe too low for the PSU.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 17. November 2022, 13:02

Hello guys,

This cable is not from Corsair, I've check the Corsair box but there is no molex cable inside.
Did I must buy one from them? These type of cable are supposed to be normed and so all identical isn'it?
But as said my actual cable are functional and I've tested it, to be sure I've just bought one on Amazon and keep you informed.

"the Peripheral + SATA connector provides ground, 3.3V(only on SATA), 5V and 12V"
"This should be available at any SATA port - even at Corsair PSUs."
As read SATA deliver only 3.3V, this is why I use only molex cable to get the 12v. Don't think that connect the molex pump to a SATA adapter will work.

"Are you trying to run the pump without other devices connected to the PSU? This could be an issue as the consumed power is maybe too low for the PSU. "
Nope, PSU is connected to the motherboard and also the graphic card, etc..., when I power on all the components run well except the pump.

"You need both, 12V and 5V to power the pump"The D5 pump have only the molex cable for alim nothing else.
I only found manual for the D5 next model which are totally different, where I can found an user manual for this D5 pump?

Thanks for your help.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »redlion« (17. November 2022, 13:05)


Senior Member

Donnerstag, 17. November 2022, 13:49

SATA delivers all 3 voltages, 3 pins for 3.3, 3 pins for 5v, 3 pins for 12V, then grounds, and one data pin. Molex lacks the 3.3V but has a higher current capability. That's why usually pumps have Molex connectors.

Regarding cables, they are not standardized on the PSU end. only the component side (molex, sata, PCIE etc..) are standardized. That would explain why you don't have 12V going to your pump.
In general, ALWAYS use cables from the PSU manufacturers, or 3rd party cables for that particular PSU model. At best you miss some voltages, at worst you can fry components.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Remayz« (17. November 2022, 14:02)


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 17. November 2022, 14:41

Thanks for your clarifications, it's really clear in my mind now.
Glad that I have fried nothing ^^

I'll wait for the new cable and let you know.


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 23. November 2022, 15:33

Hello there,good news!

Indeed it was the Molex cable the source of my problem, which is certainly not a Corsair like my PSU and so not compatible.
Yesterday I bought an adapter from Molex to SATA, plug it to the pump.
Everything is working fine, start and stop with the computer and I'm able to control the RPM.

Here is some results :

Normal load :
Pump: 60/80 L/H
Water temp : 27/30°C

Heavy load, all overclocked :
Pump: 140/170 L/H GPU:55/65°C (OC)
CPU:90°C (OC), crappy score her, the termal paste receive is totally broken, already bought another one to fix it.
Water temp : 40/45°C

What do you think about this results? Are they good?
Thanks guys for your time and for helping me.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »redlion« (23. November 2022, 15:40)


Senior Member

Mittwoch, 23. November 2022, 16:17

don't know what your build is made of :)

the temps look alright, but they will depend mostly on your ambient temperature, fan speeds and how many rads you have, more than pump speed.
I bet if you kept a constant speed around 110 - 120 L/h you wouldn't see much difference. But at least it shows pump control works fine.

Mittwoch, 23. November 2022, 20:30

Without knowing which hardware you are cooling it is not possible to say anything about the temperatures ;-)
But there is one exception, a water temperature of over 40°C is rather high.
In such a case I would think about more radiator surface or better fans.
Again, just guessing in the blue, since the information about what you are using is not available :-)
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder


Junior Member

Freitag, 25. November 2022, 14:45

Thanks Taubenhaucher, good to know. I still need to change the CPU thermal paste.
Once is done, I'll do some fine tuning and report back the results.


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 30. November 2022, 17:05

Hello there,
I finally replace the thermal paste and finished all remaining enhancements tasks.

My setup :
- CPU : Intel - I5 12600K Overclocked
- GPU : Nvidia - 3080 Ti FE Overclocked
- MB : MSI - Z690 Strix A
- PSU : Corsair - RM850x
- Case : Be quiet - Silent Base 802

Cooling system :
- CPU : Hybrid cooling - HCM Elite Pro Crystal- GPU : Corsair - Hydro X Series XG7 RGB 30-SERIES
- Chassis fan : 3 x Be Quiet - Pure Wings 2 140 mm
- Radiator fan : 3 x Noctua - NF-F12 iPPC-3000 PWM
- Radiator : Hardware Labs - Black Ice Nemesis GTS 360 XFlow
- Pump : D5 with Ultitube 100
- Tubing : Thermaltake PETG 16mm

Here a picture, it could be aesthetically better but it's my first attempt and I'm OK with that.

Here is some results.
On normal load, just going on internet, opening documents or watching videos :
Radiator fan's are not running, chassis fan's are at 15%. Everything is so quiet, love it!
Pump: 60/80 L/H - running at 15%
Water temp : 30/32°C
CPU:25°C most of the time / 60°C sometimes.

After several benchmarks and hours of gaming session, with CPU and GPU OC at max possible and stable.
Radiator fan's and chassis fans running at 80% max. A lot less noisy in comparison to the previous setup, just an AIO on CPU and original 3080Ti FE.
Pump: 140 L/H most of the time / 160 L/h sometimes at max. This seems did not affect temperatures whatever pump are running at 100% or just 70%.
Water temp : stable at 38°C
GPU: 60°C
CPU: 81°C

I've got better results than before but I would like to know with your knowledge if they are acceptable, as I know nothing here :D


Senior Member

Mittwoch, 30. November 2022, 21:02

well with just one radiator they are hot, but good :p
but you're really pushing it with a single 360mm and about 500W of heat. you could really use a second 360mm and not have to run the fans that hard.
And with PETG tubing, you don't want warm water :p

Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2022, 03:34

In your first set of results, you say your CPU and GPU are both at 25°C but the coolant is at 30-32°C. I don't see how this can be possible. How can the CPU and GPU temps be below coolant temp? If they were, the coolant would actually be warning them up! I also don't think a 3080TI FE is going to sit at 25°C, even at idle, no matter what's cooling it. What is the ambient room temp? Are you sure these numbers are right?

Is that flow meter a Thermaltake Pacific TF1 or TF2? If it's the TF1 you should read THIS very interesting review. I recall reading somewhere that the TF2 model is more accurate than the TF1. Did you consider an Aquacomputer HighFlow Next? They are considered to be the most accurate flow meter made for computer custom cooling loops. Also, most flow meters work better if there is a few inches of straight tubing on each side of it. Having a fitting very close to the flow meter can cause turbulence that can affect the flow meter's accuracy. Having the T fitting for your drain and that short 90° bend up to the GPU could be affecting the flow meter.

Pump Speed - The pump speed, within a wide operating range, does not significantly affect temps. Try setting your pump at 30% and do a CPU & GPU stress test. Note the CPU and GPU temps. Let it cool back down then change your pump speed to 80% and repeat the stress tests. I think you see that pushing the coolant around faster does not lower temps. Many people just pick a pump speed and flow rate that they like and leave it there. If pump noise is an issue then that may be a reason to slow it down. If it works well at that setting just leave it there. Speeding it up won't really do anything, I think running the pump at 15% and 60 - 80L/Hr is a bit low but if everything is happy and your temps are good (which they are), then I guess its OK.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Speedy-VI« (1. Dezember 2022, 03:36)