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4-Pin Molex 90° Adapter

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022, 02:50

I am thinking about relocating my Octo, Farbwerk360's and Hubby7 to the rear panel of my case. They would be easier to access verses where they are now. Unfortunately, the height of the Molex 4-pin power connectors that plug into the Octo and Farbwerks prevents the case side panel from going on. I searched around for a Molex 4-pin 90° adapter but could not find one. I did find Molex 4-pin 8-in long extension cables that have a 90° female connector on one end. LINK From the picture, I suspected that the 90° bend went the wrong way but I decided to take a chance and ordered 3 of them. I was right. The 90° female connector has the 4 wires existing the "wrong" side. The photo I attached shows what I mean. It's the same for the Farbwerk360, but the 4 wires don't really obstruct the ports on the Farbwerk. They do obstruct ports 1, 3, and 5 on the Octo. Does anyone know if they make these 90° Molex 4-pin female connectors with the wires exiting the other side, or better yet a small male to 90° female adapter? This would allow me to have a low profile power connection to these devices which would not prevent the side panel from latching into place.

Upon closer inspection of the 90° female Molex connector, it looks like it consists of 2 pieces snapped together. If I can get them apart without breaking it I may be able to flip the contacts around so the wires exit the other side. Then I need to make sure that +12VDC and +5VDC conductors are in the correct locations. I think pin 4 is closest to PWM port 1 and is +5VDC, and pin 1 is closest to PWM port 5 and is +12VDC. Is this correct?

Molex 4-pin 90 Oops.jpeg

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022, 03:55

Can't tell from looking at the picture if the cap on the 90 can be reversed.
If so, swap the wires to come out the opposite side and reseat the cap.

If not, ModRight has with two 90s.
Snip the wires behind the first connector to make it single.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (30. Dezember 2022, 03:58)

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022, 04:19

Or you could make your own with some of THESE (End Cap Type)

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022, 07:47

Or This which is SATA to Molex
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022, 19:10

Thanks for these good ideas! I could buy the connectors and the contact pins & sockets, and a crimper, and make my own. I could probably get away with not buying the proper crimper since I only need 3 of these.

I considered SATA to Molex adapters but Aquacomputer put Molex power connectors on the Octo and the Farbwerk360 because the Molex connector has a higher maximum current and power rating than a SATA power connector. Both of these devices can pull a lot of current - the Octo has to handle 8 PWM ports at 2A each, and 4 RGBpx ports that could have up to 90 LEDs connected to each. The Farbwerk360 also has 4 RGBpx ports and can pull up to 8A on the 5V rail. I think a SATA power connector is limited to 4.5A on the 5V rail. In reality my loads would not hit these maximums so it would probably be fine. I am also considering how the various loads (pump, 2 x Farbwerk360, Octo, 2 x Hubby7 and an NZXT internal USB hub, 2 Corsair Lighting Node Cores,7 RGB fans, 2 USB powered internal stat displays, 756 LEDs, and several PCIE SSD drives) is distributed across the various outputs of my PSU. It adds up!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Speedy-VI« (30. Dezember 2022, 19:17)

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022, 20:28

Update - SUCESS!!

I was able to pull the connector "cap" off, putt out and flip the wires. After the obligatory re-pinning it the wrong way the first time, I now have the connector flipped 180°. I was not sure if I needed to flip the 2 black wires. One is the ground for 5VDC and the other is the ground for 12VDC. These are probably common in the Octo and Farbwerk360 but I was not 100% sure if they are common at the PSU end. Being ground they should be, but sometimes multiple power supply grounds are bussed together at a specific point in the circuit so I went ahead and flipped them in the connector so I don't need to worry about it. I tested continuity and will double check that I have 5VDC and 12VDC in the correct positions before I plug these into my Octo and Farbwerk360's.

On as separate subject, I still don't understand why when I upload an image to this forum then select Add to Post, sometimes it shows up as a link but other times the actual picture shows up in the post. I have clicked Reply to posts that have pictures in the post just to see how the OP got the picture to appear in the post instead of a link. I see the exact same code as I see when I click Add to Post, but mine usually shows up as a link, not a picture. Occasionally it does show up as a picture. I have also tried uploading the picture, then opening the link, then clicking the Insert Image icon and inserting the link to the photo but that does not work either. I have also tried using Imgur links. The behavior seems to be inconsistent, or more likely, I am missing something. Does anyone know how to get the actual picture to appear in a post instead of a link?
»Speedy-VI« hat folgende Datei angehängt:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Speedy-VI« (31. Dezember 2022, 01:57)

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022, 20:55

From what I've seen, adding a picture as an attachment gives two possibilities for displaying:
  1. 'adding to post' displays a link where added
  2. doing nothing displays a thumbnail at the bottom of the post
If I want to add a picture to display within the post, I've found I need to use the 'Insert Image' function which requires an URL

Samstag, 31. Dezember 2022, 02:25

I went back into my post and deleted the code that clicking the attach to post button adds. Now I see a message that says "Speedy-VI has attached the following file" instead of the link that the attach button adds. I still don't see a thumbnail in the post. I have uploaded pictures to Imgur and tried inserting that URL into a post using Insert Image and Insert Link. Still no thumbnail in the post. I tried inserting the link that the forum board assigns to the uploaded file using Insert Image and Insert Link. Still no thumbnail in the post. I have gotten it to work a few times, which always surprises me when the picture appears, but I didn't do anything differently. Maybe it depends on the file size? The photo of my Octo with the flipped Molex cable plugged into it was 711 MB but I compressed it down to 256KB before I uploaded it, It's not a big deal but it's weird that it seems to work sometimes but most times it just inserts a link.

Samstag, 31. Dezember 2022, 05:08

Not sure how all that works

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (31. Dezember 2022, 05:10)

Donnerstag, 18. April 2024, 11:53

Hey hi, Try checking that the image file size is within the forum specified limit and completely compress otherwise compress from Jpeg Compressor and also check the image format is supported or if there are any specific guidelines for inserting images on the forum.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Ushavilash« (18. April 2024, 12:24)

Samstag, 20. April 2024, 02:27

I figured out that PNG files will appear in a post but JPG files will not. My last post HERE has a bunch of pictures in the post. They are all PNG files.

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