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Trying to make sense of Leakshield sensor reporting.....

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2023, 15:22

OK, so I'm trying to get my leakshield setup and useful.

I know my system is watertight. I know this because I ran a 24 hour pump-only leak test before turning everything on and it hasn't leaked a drop since.
My Leakshield is, to put it mildly, a tad temperamental. It's given me numerous pump alarms, which I seem to have mostly ironed out.
The Fill Level sensor is just out of whack. The loop is full with ~25mm of clear air at the top of my Ultitube 150 reservoir.
Volume Change makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. The wild swings I see in Aquasuite can't all be down to thermal expansion due to temp changes in the water. It's gone from -50 to +50 (and even more wild swings).
But that 'Leakage Indicator" really has me stumped. if it was leaking 60+ml/hour, surely the leakshield itself would be furiously pumping out air to prevent a leak (it isn't) or there'd be a growing puddle in the bottom of my case (there isn't)?
I really like the concept of this product. But it's kind of giving me conniptions.
Any ideas?
»sambo.« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • aquasuite_2023-01-06_01-14-33.png

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2023, 15:50

This looks good for me. You Temperature is going down, you see this because your negative pressure in rising.
That's why you have a negative leakage rate.
All what you see in this charts are noise from the temperature changes. The charts are auto scaled to the current visible range.

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2023, 15:59

This looks good for me. You Temperature is going down, you see this because your negative pressure in rising.
That's why you have a negative leakage rate.
All what you see in this charts are noise from the temperature changes. The charts are auto scaled to the current visible range.

oh, my temps are absolutely awesome. i seem to have broken the laws of Thermodynamics and my GPU average is cooler than my water temp.
Note, there's not a lot of load on in this screenshot. But while gaming, the max CPU I've seen is a momentary spike to ~54C then quickly back to well under 50C. I'm currently running my system at 75% pump speed and 50% fan speed. I'm still figuring out how to drive Aquasuite and will set some fan ramping once I get my head around it.
FYI: 2x 480mm Radiators and 11 fans total (10x 120mm and 1x 140mm)
»sambo.« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • aquasuite_2023-01-06_01-53-55.png


Senior Member

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2023, 16:18

the Nvidia temp reporting seems to be a bit optimistic :p
my GPU is also reported 1°C cooler than the water, but you can add an offset to that on aquasuite. when the GPU is idle, and if your waterblock doesn't suck balls, it should be almost at water temperature.

your best bet for fan control is to make them vary with water temperature as a start. that is what the fans.. actually cool. your max CPU or GPU temp is always based off what the water temperature is, so that makes it more simple. no need to worry about components temps, just water.

Once you'll get acquainted with all you can do with software sensors, virtual sensors and the playground, then you'll be fine falling endlessly the rabbit hole.