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Junior Member

Help please! Creating a button or selector to set or change Global Profile on a page

Montag, 9. Januar 2023, 09:30

Good morning, guten morgen, happy new year to all :)

I'm hoping im just being stupid and this is possible - i'd like to place a selector to change Global Profile (or even Device Profile 1-4 of my Quadro) onto my custom page.
Better, place a small button for each profile I want quick access to.
Im running X59, in desktop mode (so no profile selector in menu bar as that's hidden) on a secondary touch panel (no system tray icon as it's the secondary screen, tray icons are only on primary.)
See attached image of the 1024x600 touchscreen in portrait mode and the setup..
As you can see, there's a box I copied from a default page that shows the profile in use, currently 3 (green), but I'd like to make similar ones to set a specific profile.
Having failed to figure out how to do it I've temporarily resorted to the dial to change fan speed... Janky
Eventually I'll want boxed to tap also to load profiles to change rgb, as have now grabbed some RGBPx kit also... So will need this even more soon :/
I managed to create a few Outputs that set a specific profile, but can't add those to a button on the page...

Would be very grateful for a hand...
Thanks, danke schoen, tchuess!
»L0wPull« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • Secondary touch Panel.png
»L0wPull« hat folgende Datei angehängt:
  • IMG_0546.jpg (355,67 kB - 12 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 27. März 2024, 16:54)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »L0wPull« (9. Januar 2023, 09:54)

Montag, 9. Januar 2023, 14:42

You can try it with an input (Button) and create some rules in the outputs for profile switching.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 10. Januar 2023, 09:44

You can try it with an input (Button) and create some rules in the outputs for profile switching.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'm still stuck, apparently :/
I had already created three outputs, one for each of the 3 different Global Profiles that set my desired fan and pump speeds, as you can see from the first screencap. When you create an output the option to directly change profile is there in the drop-down.
Each of these works perfectly when I select "Test Output" function from context menu of each Output.
I then created an Input of button type, as shown, with absolute value 1, and added that as a Data Source to the configuration of the revelant Output.
I added the Input to the page, but it doesn't work.
Stuck in the mud.
Hoping someone out there has actually done this exact process and can walk me though where im screwing it up, it's ruining my use tbh :/

»L0wPull« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • Outputs.png
  • Test output.png
  • Input.png
  • Input as Data Source.png
  • input button.png


Junior Member

Dienstag, 10. Januar 2023, 10:14

OK I am an idiot, didnt see I had to link the conditions.
I now have the Input condition working when I click "Output Test Data" for each of the inputs on the output tab, if that makes sense 8|
However, the button on the page flashes briefly a couple of times when I bring cursor to it, but clicking it does nothing....
Testing the button on the input page also does nothing...
Im making progress tho lol..
Next step maybe to configure a 1-3 control knob with output triggered by a set value 1,2, or 3 for each profile.. :S
»L0wPull« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • Output Test.png
  • Input Button test.png

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »L0wPull« (10. Januar 2023, 10:15)

Dienstag, 10. Januar 2023, 10:24

This is working:


Junior Member

Dienstag, 10. Januar 2023, 11:32

This is working:

Ahhhh wunderbar, uberlekker, super!!! :thumbsup:
Thats very cool. This software is ridiculous in power and complexity... Danke, schoener mann!!!
Works with buttons or I can use rotary dial, and now can automate the rest of the mess based on water temp and flow rate also:D
Very elegant, completey bypass the output need :thumbup:

Thanks again :)
»L0wPull« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • !input.png
  • !profiles.png
  • !panel.png