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Color OLED, AMOLED, TFT, or LCD Displays in Aquacomputer products

Freitag, 3. Februar 2023, 00:34

I was looking at several different small, color OLED, AMOLED, TFT, and LCD displays and am wondering if Aquacomputer will consider updating the OLED displays they put into the D5 Next, High Flow Next, Leakshield, etc. The displays are a nice feature but they are seriously outdated. I have read many posts from people who, like me, leave them off or on minimum brightness due to worries about burn-in. I don’t know if current generation color OLED displays suffer from burn-in but even if they do, they are still a lot nicer looking than what Aquacomputer is using in their products. There are also LED, TFT, and AMOLED color displays. These little color displays are typically under $20 each and likely much less in bulk quantities. Does anyone else feels that the OLED displays in the Aquacomputer products should be replaced with a nice color display? I think it would be a great improvement that would at most add a few dollars to the cost of the products.

Some examples:
Color OLED 1.jpg
1.5-in Color OLED 128x128.jpg
Color TFT Displays


Senior Member

Freitag, 3. Februar 2023, 01:37

given the size of the screens, there's not enough space for color to really add much. Monochrome suits me fine.
Now, if new products were to come with larger displays, color would be nice, but there's not much real estate on a water pump or a waterblock.
A better Vision unit on the other hand, with good display angles, decent definition and in color, i'm all for it.

Freitag, 3. Februar 2023, 23:10

They are quite small. I measured the display area at ~1.0"W x 0.5" high so ~1.118" diagonal. I have read posts from some who feel that the displays are pointless, at least on a CPU block. For devices like the D5 Next and LKS that may get powered up for loop testing while the main system is not powered, the displays are more useful since they allow the user to configure the device locally while AQS is offline, I don't know what the resolution of the Aquacomputer display is but something like THIS little guy is about the same size. Its resolution is 135x240 and it costs a whopping $3.27 USD. It uses 4-wire serial SPI which may or may not be what the current displays use.

I agree that if anything should get a bigger, higher resolution color display, its the Vision. There have been several posts on the German thread asking about this. The coolest, and most ridiculous CPU block display I have seen is the Barrowch FBLTHD series. They are 2.9" (diagonal ?), 1440x1440, with an HDMI input. You can even display the Windows desktop on it (which is cool but ridiculous).

Barrowch CPU Block Display w Windows Desktop.jpg

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