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aquastream XT *updated*

Samstag, 29. September 2007, 20:43

The fourth generation: aquastream XT

In comparison with the predecessor models the functional range was increased considerably. All variants of the aquastream XT have an USB interface through which a monitoring and control is possible, also without a connection to an aquaero. The pump can be controlled with our aquasuite software. Depending on the activated software version of the pump a fan connector, temperature sensors, as well as a connection for a flow sensor is possible. In the ultra version all important monitoring functions and controlling rules are already integrated into the pump.  

A rotation detection as well as automatic determination of the maximum frequency are part of the new functions so that a reliable business is guaranteed also at a maximum pumping power. The complete electronics is put in the case without it having got bigger.  

The pump in detail: The highest performance with smart electronics:
Furthermore the mechanics of the pump is based on the approved Eheim technology whose engine smoothness is unequalled till now. Compared with the predecessor models the maximum delivery height was increased to sensational 4.2m. The aquastream XT is one of the most efficient pumps on the market and works almost soundless. This was achieved by a highly intelligent drive with complex algorithms and sensors. Rotorposition, current consumption, performance and voltage are determined about 1000 times per second. Out of this an optimal drive is calculated. Depending on system the pump can internally work with up to 6000 rpm.
The pump frequency is found by the pump automatically or can be put manually by software. The pump recognizes independently the optimal operating point.

Moreover, the data are passed on by USB or aquabus and can be evaluated and represented in the aquasuite software. Parallel to that a speedo signal can be passed on to the mainboard which can trigger a switching off of the computer at faults of the pump. Furthermore the pump has the deaeration mode of course which is freely configurable this time.  

The sensors of the aquastream XT: Including water temperature:
The measuring of the water temperature was integrated too. This measuring can be also used for the control by the aquaero through aquabus. Furthermore internally more temperatures of the output stages are determined. The pump has intelligent protective functions: If the temperature increases about the preprogrammed protection values, then the electronics is put into a safety mode to avoid damages. Another external temperature sensor and a flow sensor can further be attached directly at the pump. Both are evaluated at extremely high precision and can be embedded in the alarm scheme. Unbelievably many alarm thresholds and parameters are freely configurable.  

The integrated complex PID regulator works unnoticedly in the microprocessor and has only one aim: cooling the computer on the desired temperature and operating the fans as quietly as only somehow possible. This is calculated with a mathematical regulator model. It measures and calculates the optimal seetings for the fan about 1000 times per second. Of course without grumbling PWM a very exact analogous output voltage is provided. Necessary starting speeds of your fans are also taken into account and executed by the regulator automatically.  

All regulator settings can be influenced by hand or be chosen from configured presets. You can regulate after the water temperature measured internally, the external temperature or following the manual settings.
Of course an alarm signal is also distributed in the case of a breakdown of the fan.

Moreover, value was set on the highest operational safety: If a too high load is attached to the fan connector, then electronics recognizes this fully automatically. At first a minimal dissipation power is achieved by putting the voltage on 100%. If this does not help, in a second step the electronics will switch of the exit.

Three versions
Development costs money, features want to be enhanced and not everybody needs all the features. Therefore the aquastream XT is available in the versions standard, advanced and ultra. So one does only pay what is really needed and the pump can be upgraded in the future. Only a key must be purchased and entered into that aquasuite software. With this easy step you can activate the additional functions of the advanced and ultra variant.

There is also the possibility of purchasing a free key which activates very deep parameters of the pump for experimental customers. With these parameters it is also possible to damage the pump irreparably so we limit our guarantee of course. With these extended parameters still more performance is possible, for example.  

A couple of pictures:

edit: don't worry about the software, it will be also available in english ;)

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Montag, 15. Oktober 2007, 16:57

A few more and new english screenshots:


Junior Member

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Montag, 15. Oktober 2007, 22:10

Hello, again...

Curious if there is a way to place an order for delivery to USA. Our vendor here carries a lot of stuff, but not everything. I have an Aquaero, Poweradjust for my DDC1 +T, Cuplex XT di, two Twinplex XT's etc. Really like everything but would love to try the New Aquastream XT and 5.6mm flow-meter and it looks like it could be a while before Sharka makes a new order for these...



Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007, 06:33

Zitat von »Broken«

...it looks like it could be a while before Sharka makes a new order for these...

I think they just placed a big order with AC. Hopefully it won't take very long to get it here as my silver TwinPlex's are on the same order! ;D



Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Samstag, 3. November 2007, 00:40

Looks like a great pump! And I think I'll be ordering one next week. One question though: Can I mount it vertically with the intake facing up without any ill side effects like noise or a performance hit? It would simplify things in my casing if I can.

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Samstag, 10. November 2007, 04:52

Zitat von »Celoth«

One question though: Can I mount it vertically with the intake facing up without any ill side effects like noise or a performance hit? It would simplify things in my casing if I can.

You can mount it anyway you like including diagonally if you so wish.

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Montag, 12. November 2007, 09:03

It's been almost 2 weeks and I still don't see the Aquastream XT at Sharka Computers. :'( Are you sure they ordered recently? ???


Full Member

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Dienstag, 13. November 2007, 03:07

It usually takes Sharka a long time to get stuff because of trans-Atlantic shipping and customs.

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Mittwoch, 14. November 2007, 09:19

Well, I'm sure it will be worth the wait. I'ill miss the Aquastream faceplate though. It did provide some bling to the baydrives. :)


Junior Member

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Donnerstag, 22. November 2007, 23:14


With two Aquastream XT pumps connected to an Aquaero, can I use both internal pump temp sensors to control different fan groups that are connected to the Aqauero?

...I think I can, but like to verify that the temp sensor can be selected just like a regular external one.



Junior Member

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Samstag, 24. November 2007, 08:40

Is the above possible? Otherwise, I won't have to bother getting a second pump for my modified build. I could simply use my old AS + external sensor for a second loop.


Full Member

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Samstag, 24. November 2007, 16:28

Shoggy, what info was updated?

Re: aquastream XT *updated*

Montag, 17. März 2008, 10:35

Out of intrest why do you guys use a Eheim based pump and not the DDC or D5 vario ?