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Junior Member

Question about USB/ 5 pin connection wiring with D5 Next, high flow NEXT, and octo with only one USB 2.0 Header

Saturday, March 25th 2023, 4:49pm

Hello everyone,
I hope this question has not already been addressed. I have attempted to look for an answer, but not very thoroughly. I have an Asus B650E-I motherboard, which only has one US 2.0 header, and therefore only room for 2 USB connectors. My setup is a Mo-Ra3 420 with 4 noctua fans connected via an X-splitter. I am trying to figure out the best way to wire a D5 Next pump, a second D5 (Non Next) pump, the high flow Next, and an Octo, but as previously stated I only have room for 2 of the 3 USB connectors. I wanted to see what is the best way to connect these three devices in a manner where I can use the software (aquasuite) and still get all the sensor information. I was thinking about connecting the OCTO and D5 Next to the USB 2.0 Header since each connector uses half the pins. This leave the high flow Next without a USB connection. If I connected the high flow NEXT to the D5 Next or the OCTO via the micro to micro cable, would that supplement the lack of a USB connection? Would I still get sensor information? Can anyone shed some light on what to do in this case? Or is it a limitation of my motherboard ie I should get another motherboard with at least 2 USB 2.0 header.

Saturday, March 25th 2023, 4:57pm

Buy an internal USB 2 hub, Aquacomputer has the Hubby7, but any other will work just as well, such as NZXT's.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder


Senior Member

Saturday, March 25th 2023, 6:36pm

I 100% agree with what Taubenhaucher suggested - you need an internal USB2.0 hub and the Aquacomputer Hubby7 is a very good one. The NZXT GEN-3 (not USB3.0) hub is another good choice. Regarding your question about piggy backing a USB device like the High Flow Next to a D5 Next or Octo with a "micro to micro" cable - no, it doesn't work that way. Each Aquacomputer device with a USB port requires a direct connection to a USB port. Most motherboards only have 1 or 2 USB2,0 headers on them. Each header (assuming 2-row 9-pin header) has 2 USB2.0 ports available. Since Aquacomputer USB cables are single-row 5-pin plugs, you can connect 2 devices to a single 2-row USB header. If you need more USB2.0 connections, use an internal USB2.0 hub.


Junior Member

Sunday, March 26th 2023, 4:02am

Gotcha. Thank you everyone for your advice. I guess I will have to splurge on a USB 2.0 Hub.


Junior Member

Sunday, March 26th 2023, 7:23pm

Can I use an internal usb 2.0 hub that gets power directly from the usb 2.0 header such as this: https://www.amazon.com/Rocketek-Motherbo…ps%2C115&sr=8-7

Or do I need a powered hub?

Sunday, March 26th 2023, 7:27pm

I can't answer this question, as I have only used hubs with SATA ports.
It simply depends on how much power the connected devices draw.
If in doubt, I would always recommend a powered hub.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Sunday, March 26th 2023, 9:01pm

The source of the power may have a consequential result.

The hubby7 gives an option to take power from either the USB connection, or a SATA connection.
If the SATA connection is chosen, there is no 5V when the system is shut down.

Some aquacomputer devices need 5V when the computer is shut down (aquaero & flow next).
I do not know if the D5 next has a need for 5V while the system is off.

The 3 items you listed (D5 NEXT, flow NEXT & OCTO) should be fine with the standard USB 2.0 spec for 5V at 500 ma.
The 12V for the fans will come from the Molex connector on the octo.


Junior Member

Sunday, March 26th 2023, 10:33pm

So this : https://www.amazon.com/Rocketek-Motherbo…ps%2C115&sr=8-7

Would be sufficient ? Or should I buy a NZXT/Hubby 7. I just don't want to deal with returns and stuff.


Senior Member

Monday, March 27th 2023, 1:55am

That USB hub should be fine since all the devices you are going to plug into it get their power from Sata or Molex connections. The Rocketek hub you linked will give you 4 USB2.0 ports on 2 2-row 10-pin headers. Amazon has some others that give you 8 ports for the same or close to the same price. Any of them should work fine but they all have some negative reviews. Its a crap shoot with products like this. Here are a few 8-port hubs. Option 1 and 2 look like the same exact circuit board. Option 3 doesn't have what I think are decoupling caps on it. You take a chance with any of these. The Hubby7 and NZXT hubs are known to be high quality and work well. They also cost more.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3 (same price)


Junior Member

Monday, March 27th 2023, 6:54am

Also, can I run the usb 2.0 splitter from a distance. I want to have a XLR cable handle power and usb, and split the usb 2.0 off at the end, so I don't need to have long pwm cables coming from the D5 Next, high flow, and octo.

Monday, March 27th 2023, 1:15pm

Also, can I run the usb 2.0 splitter from a distance. I want to have a XLR cable handle power and usb, and split the usb 2.0 off at the end, so I don't need to have long pwm cables coming from the D5 Next, high flow, and octo.

The spec for USB 2.0 is 5 meters: HOWTOGEEK


The organization recommended the maximum cable length for the first two USB generations—USB 1.0 (3 meters) and USB 2.0 (5 meters)—but ever since, USB-IF no longer suggests a maximum cable length for any USB generation. Instead, it mandates the USB cables to meet specific performance requirements, including signal propagation delay and attenuation.

For the given performance requirements, the maximum practical length of the USB 3.2 Gen 1 (also known as USB 3.0, USB 3.1 Gen 1) cables is 2-3 meters. Similarly, USB 3.2 Gen 2 (a.k.a. USB 3.1, USB 3.1 Gen 2) and USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 cables can be a maximum of one meter long. And finally, USB 4 cables will be limited to a maximum of 0.8 meters or 31 inches.

As to which internal hub to use, I recommend going with the hubby7, primarily for compatibility and known performance:
  • the hubby7 is jumper selectable to use 5V from either the mobo USB 2.0 port or external power direct from the PSU
  • the NZXT internal hub USB (gen 3) also has an external SATA connector implemented, and you need to confirm with NZXT that the hub will function properly without the external SATA cable attached
  • if there are any communications issues, having the full path be under aquacomputer control leaves you with only one manufacturer for help, not two (priceless)