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Syncing AquaSuite with Asus Aura, possible?

Sonntag, 30. April 2023, 19:35

I use AquaSuite to control all my RGB and have it set up to change colors with profiles for different loads and it all works very nicely.

However (there's always a but, isn't there?). My motherboard have built a built in RGB strip, and that also controls the RGB of the RAM using Aura Sync. Is there any way to make AquaSuite sync with this and also control the rgb of the motherboard/ram? (looks bad when everything changes except those parts).

Montag, 1. Mai 2023, 04:43

I am 99% sure the answer to this is no.

Asus Aura is on my list of programs to NEVER install (along with Armoury Crate and Corsair Icue). I use OpenRGB to control the LEDs on my Asus mobo and GPU and my G.Skill RGB RAM. It works well but is still separate from my Aquasuite controlled LEDs. Last time I checked, OpenRGB does not support Aquacomputer products. Signal RGB is another option. Signal RGB can control your mobo and RAM LEDs. It can also control a Farbwerk360 through the Ambientpx feature. The catch is Aquasuite and the Aquasuite service can't be running at the same time. This is a deal breaker for me. I also think that Aquacomputer does not approve of doing this. If you are interested in trying to control a Farbwerk360 with SignalRGB, the setup instructions are HERE

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