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Junior Member

ULTITUBE without filter element?

Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2023, 08:23

In order to clean ULTITUBE filter, I have to drain water from the reservoir and since this is very inconvenient, I am using in-line filter with combination of QDC.
So, I do not need filter element and it would be best to remove it if possible because any filter would act as restriction in loop.
However, since it is rubber, I suspect that it is also a o-ring like sealing part for the reservoir and in that case, I cannot remove the filter element simply.

Is it possible to use ULTITUBE reservoir without filter element?
If I need additional part to replace the filter element position, which one should I buy?

Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2023, 08:41

Hmm. Found an interesting discussion related to this that may interest you. There are a lot of others if you do some searching as well.

It makes me wonder if an in-line filter is better than the utilitube filter. It could be that an inline filter actually increases the flow restriction more than the built in utilitube filter.

I don't know. Just a thread I found while googling your interesting question.


Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2023, 08:42

Also, I would assume this is the filter replacement you would use if you were to use one, but I may be wrong. I am very new to Aquacomputer and PC build. I'm sorry I cannot answer your first question, but like you I would tend to think you should not remove the filter entirely as it may likely cause a leak or other issue as it is likely not designed to be used without the filter in place. Just my guess.


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »CaptainOblivious« (3. Mai 2023, 08:44)

Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2023, 15:39

You need to leave the rubber filter assembly in place as it seals the bottom of tube. I am planning to get a sharp x-acto knife and cut out the filter. My suggestion is to get a new filter part before you start cutting so in case you screw the pooch you got a backup solution. 8)

Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2023, 18:29

You can remove the filter with a sharp cutter. It's also possible to use the replacement part for the lid seal also instead of the filter. But I recommend to remove the filter if needed as the water flow will not be changed due this.