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Can the Profile Switcher be used to change the Aquaero6 profile?

Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2023, 19:53

I'd like to have one profile configured for normal daily usage and one profile that is strictly for benchmarking and extended computation sessions. The main profile is my existing setpoint controller and the second profile would simply leave all fans running at 100%.

It's easy to set these profiles in the Aquaero6, but how do I use the Profile Selector to change between them?

Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2023, 20:12

you have add the profiles from the aquaero to the playground profile selector. (playground - globale profiles)

Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2023, 20:26

Oh, I see the place to do that now. Missed it when looking before.

Thank you!