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Are these x6 USB connections to a single HUBBY7 too much power draw? Do I need more HUBBY7's?

Monday, August 21st 2023, 12:10am


I am concerned I have too much power going to a single HUBBY7 which is stated to be limited to 500mA for USB or 1000mA for SATA. Currently I have:

Octo (powered by SATA connection):
-x4 PWM fan connections
=2400 mA power draw (Edit. Corrected)

Farbwerks 360 #1 (powered by SATA connection):
-x4 Fan D-RGB connections
=2160 mA power draw (Edit. Corrected)

Farbwerks 360 #2 (powered by SATA connection):
-EK-Quantum Vector² FE RTX 4090 D-RGB connections (x2)
-EK-Quantum Velocity² 1700 CPU D-RGB connection (x1)
-D5 NEXT D-RGB connection (x1)
=Unknown total mA draw?

HF NEXT Flow Sensor:
x1 USB connection
=Unknown total mA draw?

x1 USB connection
=Unknown total mA draw?

D5 Pump:
x1 USB connection
=Unknown total mA draw?

  • =x6 Total USB connections going to the HUBBY7. Obviously if you add up all the mA of each of these devices connected via USB to a single HUBBY7 it way exceeds the 500/1000mA limit stated in the manual for the HUBBY7.

However, the x2 Farbwerks 360s and the Octo all have their own SATA supplied power. So that should negate the mA drawn for those right? Because they get that from the Farbwerks and Octo's own SATA power connection.

I'm looking at having all x6 USB connections (Octo, x2 Farbwerks, leakshield, d5 next, HF flow) to the single HUBBY7 and I would like to run in USB power on the HUBBY7 so that all of these functions can be run while in standby, which limits me to 500 mA.

Is my current setup too much for one HUBBY7? Do I need to get a second or maybe even three to handle it all?

Any advice or insight is appreciated. Sorry I wasn't able to calculate the total power draw for every device, I am still working on that but having difficulty finding them in the specs.

Thank you.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "CaptainOblivious" (Aug 21st 2023, 5:04am)

Monday, August 21st 2023, 4:01am

Where do you get the 800 mA and 720 mA values for the octo & farbwerk?
I believe the only item that should have it's own USB port is the leakshield.

Monday, August 21st 2023, 4:35am


Where do you get the 800 mA and 720 mA values for the octo & farbwerk?
I believe the only item that should have it's own USB port is the leakshield

https://imgur.com/a/elhtVqD Imgur link since I can't post pics in the post (right click > open in new tab).

I have x4 sets of daisy chained fans (x3 Phanteks D30 Reversibles in each set):

  • One Farbwerks has all the JST to DRGB adapted to RGBpx connections (x4 daisy chained connections).
  • The Octo has all the PWM connections (x4 daisy chained PWM connections).

Phanteks says:

  • FAN Power Draw .20 A
  • D-RGB Power Draw .18 A

I realize I made a mistake since there are 3 fans for each set, X 4 sets. So it would be (.2 x 3) x 4 + (.18 x 3) x 4 = 4.56 A total across the Octo and the Farbwerks.

= 4560 mA total going to the HUBBY7 for the Octo and Farbwerks #1 combined.
  • Both of which are connect via USB to the HUBBY7.

This is well over the 1000 mA limit states on the manual for the HUBBY7.

This does not even include the other USB connections from:

Farbwerks #2 (CPU, GPU, & D5 NEXT DRGB to RGBpx connections)
Leakshield USB

= total of x6 USB connections to the HUBBY7 which is then connected to the internal USB headers on my motherboard.

My concern is overloading the HUBBY7 with too much power given it's stated 1000 mA limit while on SATA power or 500 on USB. I was hoping that given the fact the Farbwerks #1 and #2, and the Octo, all have their own SATA connection to the PSU for power, this would negate the power draw from those going to the HUBBY7.

That would only leave the Leakshield, D5 NEXT, and HF FLOW, as drawing power through the HUBBY7 IF I am correct?

So now I need to calculate the total mA from those and hope it does not exceed 500mA (USB) or 1000mA (SATA). If it does, I need to split them up over multiple HUBBY7's.

Unless I am completely botching all of this? Sorry for my ignorance this is my first PC build ever.

This post has been edited 10 times, last edit by "CaptainOblivious" (Aug 21st 2023, 5:01am)

Monday, August 21st 2023, 7:20am

Am I misunderstanding something here?
Both devices have their own power connection, neither the LEDs nor the power for the fans comes via USB.
So where exactly is the problem?
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

RE: Are these x6 USB connections to a single HUBBY7 too much power draw? Do I need more HUBBY7's?

Monday, August 21st 2023, 1:29pm


I am concerned I have too much power going to a single HUBBY7 which is stated to be limited to 500mA for USB or 1000mA for SATA. Currently I have:

Octo (powered by SATA connection):
-x4 PWM fan connections
=2400 mA power draw (Edit. Corrected)

Farbwerks 360 #1 (powered by SATA connection):
-x4 Fan D-RGB connections
=2160 mA power draw (Edit. Corrected)

Farbwerks 360 #2 (powered by SATA connection):
-EK-Quantum Vector² FE RTX 4090 D-RGB connections (x2)
-EK-Quantum Velocity² 1700 CPU D-RGB connection (x1)
-D5 NEXT D-RGB connection (x1)
=Unknown total mA draw?

HF NEXT Flow Sensor:
x1 USB connection
=Unknown total mA draw?

x1 USB connection
=Unknown total mA draw?

D5 Pump:
x1 USB connection
=Unknown total mA draw?

  • =x6 Total USB connections going to the HUBBY7. Obviously if you add up all the mA of each of these devices connected via USB to a single HUBBY7 it way exceeds the 500/1000mA limit stated in the manual for the HUBBY7.

However, the x2 Farbwerks 360s and the Octo all have their own SATA supplied power. So that should negate the mA drawn for those right? Because they get that from the Farbwerks and Octo's own SATA power connection.

I'm looking at having all x6 USB connections (Octo, x2 Farbwerks, leakshield, d5 next, HF flow) to the single HUBBY7 and I would like to run in USB power on the HUBBY7 so that all of these functions can be run while in standby, which limits me to 500 mA.

Is my current setup too much for one HUBBY7? Do I need to get a second or maybe even three to handle it all?

Any advice or insight is appreciated. Sorry I wasn't able to calculate the total power draw for every device, I am still working on that but having difficulty finding them in the specs.

Thank you.

The USB connections to the octo, 2 farbwerks, d5 next, & high flow next can all go on a single hubby 7
The leak shield should go direct to it's own USB port on the mobo, because the vacuum pump is powered by USB and the device can draw up to 500mA

You could use the external power-in on the hubby 7, allowing you to place all 6 devices on the hubby 7
Doing so looses functionality of the leakshield, and also the high flow next's monitoring, when the system is off

The 12V fan controllers on the octo are rated at 25W/channel, with a 100W total maximum draw (about 2 A/channel & 8.3A total)
As long as all your fans are not on one channel. the 2.4A draw should be fine

The farbwerk 360 has a limit of 90 LEDs per each of it's 4 channels

Monday, August 21st 2023, 2:19pm


Am I misunderstanding something here?
Both devices have their own power connection, neither the LEDs nor the power for the fans comes via USB.
So where exactly is the problem?
That's part of what i was asking: If the Farbwerks 360 and Octo got their power for the connected fans and LEDs from the SATA supplied power connection, or if the USB connections to the HUBBY would draw any power and count towards the 500/1000mA limit on the HUBBY7.

It sounds like from what is being said here, the USB connected from both Farbwerks 360s and the Octo to the HUBBY7 will not draw any power from the HUBBY7/USB and it is all supplied through the SATA connection.


The USB connections to the octo, 2 farbwerks, d5 next, & high flow next can all go on a single hubby 7
The leak shield should go direct to it's own USB port on the mobo, because the vacuum pump is powered by USB and the device can draw up to 500mA

You could use the external power-in on the hubby 7, allowing you to place all 6 devices on the hubby 7
Doing so looses functionality of the leakshield, and also the high flow next's monitoring, when the system is off

The 12V fan controllers on the octo are rated at 25W/channel, with a 100W total maximum draw (about 2 A/channel & 8.3A total)
As long as all your fans are not on one channel. the 2.4A draw should be fine

The farbwerk 360 has a limit of 90 LEDs per each of it's 4 channels
Thank you!

It seems the following is true then:

  • Farbwerks 360s and Octo draw their power from the SATA power connection to their connected devices and does not draw from the 500mA/1000mA limit on the HUBBY7.
  • D5 NEXT Pump gets it's power from it's SATA power connection and does not draw from the 500mA/1000mA limit on the HUBBY7.
  • I can connect the two Farbwerks, Octo, D5 NEXT, and HF NEXT to the single HUBBY7 and use USB power on that HUBBY.

Out of curiosity, where does the High Flow NEXT draw it's power from for the RGB and display and buttons on top, if not through the USB connected to the HUBBY7?

And if it does draw power from the USB, how much power draw would that be from the USB connection to the HUBBY?

Monday, August 21st 2023, 2:31pm

I would connect the LEAKSHIELD and the high flow NEXT directly to the motherboard, because both have only the USB connection and therefore have to cover all their power consumption through it, the devices with their own power connection should use the USB connection primarily for data exchange.

If you use the Hubby 7 with SATA connection and set the jumper accordingly, you should also have no problems with the two on the Hubby, but then you have no more USB standby when the computer is off and therefore no more power for the LEAKSHIELD, so this is actually not a good idea.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Taubenhaucher" (Aug 21st 2023, 2:38pm)

Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Monday, August 21st 2023, 2:59pm

I would connect the LEAKSHIELD and the high flow NEXT directly to the motherboard, because both have only the USB connection and therefore have to cover all their power consumption through it, the devices with their own power connection should use the USB connection primarily for data exchange.

If you use the Hubby 7 with SATA connection and set the jumper accordingly, you should also have no problems with the two on the Hubby, but then you have no more USB standby when the computer is off and therefore no more power for the LEAKSHIELD, so this is actually not a good idea.

Excellent, this is what I needed to know. The (data exchange over USB) vs (power consumption AND data exchange USB) makes perfect sense. I will plug the two Farbwerks, Octo, and D5 NEXT to the HUBBY7, and then the Leakshield and HF NEXT directly to the motherboard. I have two 9 pin USB headers on my mobo so that should work fine.

Since you are being so helpful, I have some other questions too regarding filling and running the loop using Leakshield/D5 NEXT if you know:

When filling the loop with Leakshield, should I use a USB A to 5pin miniature USB connector and connect the leakshield directly to an external USB power hub? That way I can leak test and fill the system without needing to power on the mobo?

I assume I also need to do a 24 pin jumper on the PSU to power the D5 NEXT pump correct - as I understand it I am to suck in coolant via leakshield until the res is almost full, then stop, run the pump to distribute through the loop until the res is almost empty, then fill, then pump, then fill, pump, etc.

Is this the correct process? I plan to attach tubing to my drain port and then put that into the DP Ultra bottle and suck in the coolant via Leakshield.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "CaptainOblivious" (Aug 22nd 2023, 5:56am)

Tuesday, August 22nd 2023, 7:12am

Yes, you can do it that way.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Thursday, August 24th 2023, 10:29pm

Thank you! Do I also need to connect the D5 NEXT USB to the USB power hub? So both the Leakshield & D5 NEXT would be connected to an external USB power hub, and the SATA power connector would be plugged into the PSU?

Friday, August 25th 2023, 8:11am

No, if the power supply is bridged, only peripherals get power, the pump starts automatically and does not need a USB connection for filling, so it can remain normally on the hubby. Only the LEAKSHIELD needs an external power supply for filling.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Monday, August 28th 2023, 8:22pm

You are awesome thank you again for helping me.

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